Millton Berle's Cock

It was better than your useless comment.

True. Only Deadspin writers are all0wed to be unethical jerks.

You're an idiot. Seriously.

Drew Magary is a fucking bad writer.

"Averse to hyperbole..." That certainly can't be based on the hyperbolic shit you write.

"Braindead shit-mouthed clown..." Do you really hope to get a writing job after this Deadspin gig comes to an end? How old are you? really?

And you know all this how?

And? So what?

I bet you have no friends.

Well, shit. Go fuck yourself. Let me know when something bad happens to you so I can make a stupid joke about it.

I would have chosen "Don't Stand So Close To Me" except the lyrics would be "Why Aren't You Fucking Texting Me With This Shit?"

Commenting on stories about games. You're an even bigger loser than I imagined.

"As usual in the NFL..." As usual at Deadspin, unqualified writers make unsupported generalizations.

You posted an animated GIF. Are you an adult?

Who cares?

/writes stupid comment

You do realize that Deadspin has a recent headline that reads "This Wild-Ass Blocked Extra Point Will Make You Shit Your Dick?" Perhaps you shouldn't take pot-shots at other writers.

Wow. That was a lot of work for a really unfunny joke.

Or, come to Deadspin to read stupid, unfunny jokes by stupid unfunny people. (You're probably not too bright, so to be clear, I'm talking about you.)

Great moments in useless writing.