
For pure quality and general impressiveness, Ukraine, no contest. For “what the fuck did I just watch”-ness and sheer bonkersosity, I thought matching-green-8-bit-character-shirts Iceland had it in the bag until I saw Russia. Dang, Russia. Slavic Mafia Partridge Family rules the school. 

That one dude has a tiger arm! I want a tiger arm now.

I mean it’s still a gob of sugar and fat, but yeah — the old-skool kind with the gloop in the middle are just appalling.

Oh man I feel for you. My shipping address is ... 

Idk about that but madness definitely comes from isolation. I found a fugly old wooden wall-mount magazine rack in the shed and immediately started cleaning it up forrrrr... nothing. No reason. We do not buy magazines. It’s hideous. Spiders have been living in it. What is happening?

Raw cookie gob, banana bread, string cheese, grody Russell Stover coconut egg thing, okayfine perfectly nice [reheated frozen] homemade pasta sauce on spaghetti squash for dinner, then popcorn, annnnd I may or may not have a spoonful of Nutella right now.

Oh my god SUSHI and a POKE BOWL and NOT CHOPPING THINGS. Sigh. Right there with you.

Do iiiit! It can be so helpful! And if you find that particular person/service is not a good fit for you, you can check out another one. Don’t feel weird or beat yourself up because you’re mentally off-balance right now -- I’m usually pretty level and I’ve been having downswings and crying-for-no-reason jags, too.

Not gonna lie, I would eat a white bread and bacos sandwich right now. The bf brought home a takeout container from our bakery/coffee shop full of unbaked ginger snaps, and I’ve been eating them raw straight out of the fridge and he’s just “WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU HAD THE OVEN ON TWICE TODAY FOR OTHER THINGS.” Last

DEF try Fanorama, it is SO REWARDING.

Awesome! Oh man if I were omnipotent for a day, I would force everyone who wanted to post a review to a website to take a damned mental competency test first, wtaf.

Oh man GOOD FOR YOU on making a change! And honestly, I get why you would feel bad about “dipping out” but ... your life is important too, your growth is important too. And if you don’t have fulfillment from the job, AND no sense of camaraderie / value from your coworkers, then I don’t see any benefit to sticking

Do you know, she actually looks like a Dorothy. Adorable!

I just started using parchment paper a year or two ago, and omg how did I live so long without this?

I feel you on all that. Also, the other day I baked salmon, garlic new potatoes, and asparagus immediately after pulling a loaf of banana bread from the oven, and the smell was just ASTOUNDING. It legit counted as a “miasma.”

Oh my god I have the “companion piece” to this STILL (also AOL/90s):

What day is this? What week is this? Is it still April? It feels like June, except I don’t immediately get sweaty when I go outside.

In fairness, it comes in a cardboard cylinder, not an actual CAN...

A batter made of five pounds of flour, four pounds of sugar, four pounds of butter, and holy fuck forty eggs! to say nothing of the additional five! pounds! of! fruit! would not fit in any baking vessel I own, would not fit collectively into ALL the baking vessels I own and would CERTAINLY not fit in the oven once it