
We’re more than just a Delta hub. There’s the Coca-Cola bottling plant, Turner Field (soon to be closed), the, uhh, Airport.

Double standard. You don’t feel the same way about the US flag, the flag of a country who certainly lost the war of 1812, Vietnam, and arguably Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you not proud of the US since we lost those wars?

You’re talking about shaming them until they do what you want. That works on dogs. It won’t work here.

The notion that Southern White people don’t have Black friends is an OUTRAGEOUS claim.

From my understand the flag is flown on a far corner of the property which is to honor fallen confederate soldiers. It’s not exactly hanging behind the judge in the courtroom. This isnt going to erase anything.

You have shut those people up momentarily, but I doubt you seriously changed their world view. You are underestimating the stubbornness of these people. Trust me.

Look. I’m from the south. I have had this conversation many many times. You’re using too many words to try to defend this point. It is VERY simple: shame them, or work towards change. BOTH CANNOT HAPPEN. If giving them what they deserve is more important than working as quickly as possible toward change, shame away.

People act like getting rid of the flag will erase racism

I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. This is the wrong way to go about it. Look at Ben watsons story posted earlier today. When viewing as a choice between offending someone or not v accepting your ancestors or not, people are more likely to change. As our society grows, young southern people are introduced to different

I’m not arguing about whether or not and or where they should be displayed, just that if we’re honest they both have their roots in treason.

Man crush on you for this. Thank you!

I agree that it is a horrible flag that represents horrible things. I don’t know if you want to argue the treason point too hard though. As a former colony and extension of the British empire. Any US flag or earlier variation is a flag in small part that represents treason... Seeing how villainous and evil governments

Let’s ask the Indians how they feel about the USA flag...

Exactly. More like this instead of smexy nonsense like this. As a company selling robots, I’d want to put all the customers at ease. I’d want to avoid any controversy with my products. I mean, I’m already embroiled in controversy by putting a lot of human domestics out of work, why throw another log on that dromedary?

His statement is beautiful.

Christ, what an idiot I am. RIP, indeed. (Commence well deserved dogpile)

Some white people in south Carolina feel that way and that is disgusting. But i’m mostly white, from the bay area in northern California, and I have never came across any white people that vocally support racism/white pride. Its actually the opposite in many ways, schools and neighborhoods are diverse, different

my antenna is up pretty high, and I simply don't get the sense that "white people are bending over backwards to make excuses". If you're talking about meaningless fringes, sure. But that doesn't make your claim accurate.

Ummmm... Who's making excuses? I haven't seen anyone, anywhere call the attack anything other than a deranged white racist killing black people for his own political ends.

“To place both your balls in a partners mouth, then repeatedly slap their nose with your tumescent penis in a vigorous manner, preferably whilst waving your other arm in the air.”