
Isn’t this how things usually go in America?

exactly. mustard is apparently “SC-style bbq.” Charleston has sooooo many other things to offer besides bbq, there would be no reason to get it there.

Also, I’m in SC and mustard-base sauce is just the WORST

This x 1000.

That was pretty much why i invested my viewership in it in the first place. I hope they stick to the 10 eps they advertised before it started. Shows only get worse when dragged out, IMO.

I thought it was just a 10-episode “television event.”

I sometimes feel like she is used as a vehicle for turning mental instability into comedy. As a person who has had relatives struggling with their own mental stability i sometimes find it hard to watch her movies. It sounds like this is a little different so i have high hopes.

“This will all be over by Friday,” is the new “NC State will compete for the ACC Title this year.”

I have to have one yearly and it isn’t really all that bad unless you are claustrophobic. I think much of the stress comes from what it could reveal. This was the case for my first and frankly it was unnerving. After that though no problem.

Yeah, i have a friend who gets fined for not taking his trash cans off the street, then complains about it. Fool, you paid for that! You knew before you bought the house!

Combined parties are the worst. It might as well be a party for nobody.

Yes, if you act like an ass, you just might get yours kicked. Hard to be mad about that.


Im in Records Management. This does NOT mean i can sign you to a recording deal. It means records like documents, not music. This is a thing i have to explain once a month to people who see our work vehicles and call us to get a record contract. Sometimes they sing to me and it’s NEVER good.

It’s good so far, how it goes remains to be seen. If you arent sure just wait and binge it on demand.

I am not at all sure that Beverley is really helping Ethan. It almost seems to make more sense that she is really diming him out to the “authorities” and that her “death” is a show for Ethan. My 2 cents, i guess.

You should, it’s great. Also, The Foundation Series is pretty good too and ties up everything in his collection of novels. Good stuff, imo.

Lots of Asimov out there. Try some other collections of short stories or maybe one of his novels (lots are part of a collection.) His work carried me through much of my adolescence, and the stories still entertain me to this day.

THIS x 1000!!! I have lived this and it’s not pleasant.

Fjord Fjalcon. My daily Golden Girls moment!