Ian Miller

I do think that's probably my favorite scene of the season.

FINALLY! Someone else who thinks that Sherlock's hatred of his brother needs a bit more motivation!

I think I agree and disagree. Joan is perfectly within her rights to have a relationship with Mycroft - however, the fact that there are some lines being crossed here, as immaturely as Sherlock is responding, is important. I'm hoping that, like her moving out, his regression from "You may live elsewhere" to "We must

Sherlock slept with Mycroft's fiance (probably about a decade ago) very publically just before the wedding to prove to his brother that she was awful and just after Mycroft for his money.

If it were just the "When he was 15" remark, I'd say, sure. However, it's remarks made about their entire history, including the whole mess around Mycroft's fiance.

To hate or dislike, sure. Sherlock seems to be referring to specific events or patterns when he expresses his dislike of his brother.

Yeah - Sherlock definitely considered him lazy at the time (though he also hates his father, and we have a better idea of why, even though we've never seen him - actually, because we've never seen him), but the accusations he makes all throughout the series are more than that - venal, vicious, ethically bankrupt -

Great thoughts - I think there are so many moments of tension and reflection - something the show does really well, instead of forcing dramatic confrontations all the time. I am curious to see if they intend us to think that Sherlock is relapsing over the summer, or just teetering.

I'm hoping that the writers intend to actually delve into why Sherlock hates Mycroft so much. I really can't figure it out.

Well said, well said.

I'm worried that the MI-6 angle will be disposed of in the first episode of next season, though. Sort of like how Demographics was with Bell this season :(

That moment was very powerful. I really hope that Sherlock, even though he rejects it at the end of this episode, does change next season - regaining the upward spin he had in season 1 and rejecting the (perfectly natural, if still incredibly unhealthy) downward spiral of narcissism and solipsism from this season.

Agreed! Though sometimes the case of the week is good, I wish they'd figured out the balance they had last season a bit better for this one.

I do agree that the show kept throwing out hooks that could have pulled the season along, and consistently failed to do anything with them. I'm not convinced that the show is quite as dismal as most of the fandom I've talked to seems to think - I think Joan's journey has been fairly strong, and Sherlock's regression

Sherringford, not Sherrington. But I think it was a reference too.

Well said.

Yup, good analysis!

Well, to be fair, ACD found the deduction bits tricky in the later stories too :)

Watson's generally been pretty unflappable when kidnapped or threatened.