Courtney Miller

Boiling times will vary. It depends on two factors: how runny you like your eggs and your altitude.

Great, and im sure piling on TF will be effective.

USA Today needs to get their shit straight. They label LDL Cholesterol as “bad” and that it’s a cause of heart disease. This is false (partially). Small particle sized LDL is pro inflammatory and can lead to cardio vascular issues, yes. But, saturated fats such Coconut Oil are excellent and promote large particle

Amtrak has similar rules. Sorry boycotters you are SOL

The problem was the airline was trying to seat another passenger in that seat because the ticket-holder technically wasn’t there. It wasn’t going to be an empty seat they could just use, the airline was going to make money on that seat and the parents never took the appropriate actions to transfer the ticket (if

Oh yay, I have the right to spend a week driving across the country instead. Consumer choice: so great.

I’m more interested in why all this is getting so much coverage lately. I’m sure these things happen all the time(I heard something like 40k people were booted from flights for overbooking last year). Maybe people see it in the news and are trying to get compensated, maybe they want their 15 seconds of fame. Maybe

There’s a difference between

He didn’t want to get up and prove his manhood until it was absolutely safe to do so.

I don’t trust commando bros who escalate a situation that is clearly calming down before they get involved.

“Prior to that, United Airlines had come under fire for refusing to let two young women board a flight for wearing yoga pants.”

Yeah I noticed everything seemed to be de-escalating until what’s his face got out of his seat and started yelling. Then the gal is back to being super upset all over again. I don’t know why so many grown males think they can make things better by yelling at people.

Almost never a good idea to interfere with law enforcement. I think the best thing they could have done is what they did: film everything.

LOL what fucking planet are you on? No more than 2 people are changing their travel plans over this shit.

Do you know how babies work?

A few armchair quarterback thoughts:

the mother seemed crazy to me especially in that picture posted about and her fake crying in the video, who has a smile on there face while crying 0:39 seconds on wards just a strange look on her face

“Whew! Thanks guys.”

enough with the yoga pants... seriously it was a non-issue