"Hey, the Second Amendment protects the First Amendment! Just like our soldiers fighting in the Middle East keep us free here at home!"
"Hey, the Second Amendment protects the First Amendment! Just like our soldiers fighting in the Middle East keep us free here at home!"
Remember? No. I literally don't. I've only ever been aware of the NRA (since the early 1990s) as an extremist organization. In the last 10 years, they've basically become a terrorist organization.
"Now I gotta wait in line like any other schnook."
The user-comment juxtaposition here is…nutz.
I honestly don't know if this is a joke or not!
Do they ever explain how there's gravity in outer space?
I am at best a casual fan of the original series and have only seen it's first four movies, plus a smattering of Next Generation episodes and First Contact. So, understanding that I'm by no means an expert, but that I do have fondness and respect for Star Trek, I would say that the character in the photo above looks…
"there's no reasons why humans would transliterate it that way into English"
7 minutes before me!
Perhaps my favorite example: "You fought in the Clone Wars." Should have been left at that.
No fan wanted midichlordians. No fan asked to be wanked like that.
Based on the Minion memes some of my Facebook friends post incessantly, I think you're right.
"Immos"? That sounds fair dinkum 'Stralian!
He's like that one creep on Deafwood who wrote to Hearst, "I've done something very expensive," after killing a whore (or whatever he did).
Democrats need to run ads now that link the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells of the world with Trump, so that a year from now, when they're trying to slither away from the sinking-while-aflame Trump Administration, it will be that much harder for them.
I want the job title Medical Billing Specialist to go the way of Blacksmith and Buggy Whip Braider.
As recently as 2007 or so, some big-business types were saying this out loud, on purpose, knowing the microphone was on, and addressing it to both parties. Their position was, as you said, it's too big a cost for us to provide health insurance to our employees; the government needs to take this over.
It's become part of identity politics, bound up in race and gender. So many white men, esp. those born before 1970, are loathe to identify as liberal or Democratic because they — and their peer group — have been trained to immediately associate those terms with unmanly terms like "dependence," "feminism," "soft on…
The racism comes in the "fiscal conservative" part of the hyphenated category "socially liberal-fiscally conservative". "Fiscal conservative" usually means "I don't want my tax dollars wasted on welfare programs for the poor — who are mostly blacks gaming the system and illegal aliens who shouldn't be here anyway."