
I agree that the H Sandy funding thing was awful. As a blue Texan, I am used to being horrified and embarrassed by our delegation. Remember that Houston is a big international port. Many residents, and visitors, trapped by the storm, will have voted in France or Sweden or California or Mexico. Or Oklahoma or

You know, some arguments can’t stand up to scrutiny.

5 years PROBATION! Probation.....probation. Let’s stop acting like he was tossed in a gulag for solitary. He was convicted of a BURGLARY and got PROBATION. How that’s unjust or evidence of a biased legal system is lost on me.

The fact that Gawker did something sleazy and that his response was disproportionate and no less sleazy are also two facts that can be true at the same time.

You must get all the chicks with that white guilt.

Stupid fucking article. 95% OF BLACKS VOTED OBAMA. You know what that tells me, they don’t fucking think for themselves. You can’t find 95% of ANY group to agree on something, let alone a president. And yet, there you have it, pretty much every black person managed to agree on Obama. Nothing to do with his race

Good grief most of these comments are idiotic and self righteous. Get over yourselves and off your high horses, people. Not everyone who voted for trump is a racist bigot.