You must be 22 at most? It’s nice to see how people like you react when they see a different opinion than their own for the first time in their lives.
You must be 22 at most? It’s nice to see how people like you react when they see a different opinion than their own for the first time in their lives.
You hit the nail right on the fucking head. Especially with the anti white gawkerverse liberal bullshit. It’s tiring.
Such professionalism. Stay classy.
Boy this post exudes professionalism. But that’s par for the course here. So what you’re saying in this diatribe is basically “wahhh, I didn’t get my way with the election”, “wahhh blame white people at all costs”, and “if you didn’t vote the same way I did, you’re automatically a racist”. God, take a look in the…
Aww, did I hurt your little feelings? Do you need a safe space? I’m sure you can find one with all the other people who are still crying because they didn’t get their way in life.
Yeah, no. The scawy black man lacks professionalism in his “reporting”. I’m sorry you can’t seem to handle that. Do you see this kind of nonsense from any real news outlets? Oh, you don’t? Shocking. I’m sure it must be difficult reading an opinion that doesn’t match up with your own and all, but sure, go ahead and…
Sweet potato Saddam. Lovely. Such consistent professionalism from this cesspool of a site. Oh well, when you actually become a real journalist maybe you’ll be a bit more professional.
God. The amount of unprofessionalism in your articles is staggering. But hey, can’t expect much from a wannabe “journalist” I guess.
Ahhh. Such professionalism in his articulate. Just kidding. What a joke.
That title doesn’t fit the lazy writing and narrative the author is peddling here.
Did you expect anything probably other than lazy “journalism” from here?
Shhh now. This doesn’t fit the narrative of the lazy “journalism” at play here. Remember, the narrative here is to generalize, and to be as anti white, anti Trump as possible, and what you said doesn’t fit with that. Oh yeah, and to blame everyone else for your problems.
It’s edgy to hate the white man and blame them for everything in life now. Didn’t you know?
Hey everyone! Grab a map of the US! Got one? Ok, good. Now, look at all 50 states. See em? Yeah, that’s where Trump is still president. Get over it. You didn’t get your own way for once in your lives. #dealwithit
Kinda like what the lazy “journalist” who wrote this trash is doing?
Why even argue with these SJWesque idiots here. I doubt most of them are even speaking from experience. They all sound like that girl in high school that had the boyfriend from another town that no one has ever seen (because they likely didn’t exist).
Yeah, I love lazy ‘journalism’ too.
Except, you know, he’s your president. Grab a map real quick. I’ll show you all 50 states where he’s still your president. Get over it. #dealwithit
Oh. So what you’re saying is that you’re ignorant, you lump people together, and can’t handle the YUGE injustice of people having different opinions? How refreshing.
Good grief most of these comments are idiotic and self righteous. Get over yourselves and off your high horses, people. Not everyone who voted for trump is a racist bigot.