The irony probably does not escape them.
The irony probably does not escape them.
Before ICBMs were a major thing, any Soviet nuking of America would have primarily been an air raid so that all makes sense.
This sounds great, thank you for your work in being a friend of America.
Yeah when they were told that the USSR might start a nuclear war I guess they decided to live like every day could be their last.
So much for FEMA learning from its mistakes.
Your comment forgot to include a reference to American friends. :-(
the Obama administration had access to the same information and continued the same policies.
Thank you for sharing this 4 minute long video which I did not watch because I come to blogs to read.
Elementary-aged schoolchildren during hotter parts of the Cold War had to endure bomb drills, wherein they were taught the correct, school-mandated procedures for surviving a nuclear strike. It is fairly obvious that this “inflict[ed] immense psychological damage” on those people; they grew up into adults who feel…
Richard “Dick” Bruce Cheney walks into an auditorium at the University of Wyoming, his alma mater. He finds an empty chair to sit down, just before the curtains open to unveil the show: “Enhanced.” For the next 90 minutes a person on stage is waterboarded. Every few minutes the torturers look at Cheney for permission…