
Wait....merging accounts is supposed to link all of my Disqus comments? Even though disqus would arbitrarily switch which screen name I was using on AV club every other minute? Seriously, disqus was bad enough. I’ve always loathed it. But this is just.... I finally got Kinja to let me into the account I had for

Well crap. Apparently I have two Kinja accounts and this is the only one I seem to be able to get to. I always hated Disqus with a passion though; slow loading, and arbitrarily switched between my two screen names with no rhyme or reason.

Farscape had that for at least season 3 and 4 (I didn't watch it live in the first two seasons). I can't recall if Stargate was doing that when it moved from Showtime to Skiffy just after Farscape's cancellation. But it was in that same era… just a couple of years before. I think BSG was the first to do it from the

"What the heck is up with Mud? If the Neos wanted Cosima to feel at home,
maybe they shouldn’t have sent their single weirdest member to get her

Gilead SEEMS to be doing better but we don't really have any definitive proof of that. My point is that if rampant pollution (or climate change for that matter) is the ultimate cause of the fertility crisis—and from what we've seen that seems to be the implication although it's hard to say when they don't think men

I'm so glad Matt Lanter finally found something to get him out of teen heart throb shows. That trio is so delightful.

I'm hoping Elba gets Bond, as well. Back before Capaldi was cast, I'd been hoping for Paterson Joseph as the doctor. This time around I've been intrigued by the Tilda Swinton rumors.

I've been holding out hope that we'll get a woman doctor or an actor of color to play the doctor but I would be so cool with this idea on every possible level.

I kept thinking during the episode about how Ravi was so NOT the best on the most recent iZombie and whether or not Janesays would find this an improvement. I mean, he wasn't bad, at least, right?

Spirit fingers

I'm so jealous. Like for reals.

I got the impression she was dead before he took the job. He talked about wanting to lie in the same dirt she was buried in.

Especially in any episode that spent a lot of time focusing on on him and his doubles talking to each other. There was one with three of him that I'm still not entirely sure I understood.

Sorry about that. Comment was a borked attempt at unsubscribing from the thread. Goodness but Disqus sucks.

But he's such a bad actor. Like painfully bad.

I feel bad they did all of that work. When the rereleases were going into the theatres, I bought vhs copies of the original trilogy and transferred them to DVD a few years later (they remained unopened until then) when I could afford the tech upgrades I needed to do so. I’ve seeded copies of my encodes a few times

Yes. Because I just told you.

To be fair, it was barely watchable 23 hours after its release.