Double Drago

Rifts was my game growing up, and it had a great Post apocalyptic tech vs magic setting, and infinite potential. Unfortunately it was mired by a poor combat system, and absurd power creep with every new sourcebook they released.

I recommend listening to the Adventure Zone podcast. It's three brothers and their pops playing D&D 5th edition. They all have podcasting experience, make it very accessible, and are very aware of the corny pitfalls of D&D. It shows how you get around that and still have fun.

You know GracieLaww—sometimes… I don't believe I know you.

I had to dig deep to find my favorite devil moment. Not disappointed.

That "wild-haired troll mask" looks like a Forsaken mask.

He might've thrown in a "fantastical" or "outrageous" in there too.

And a wrist watch Spidey Signal? Not sure what that was exactly.

I know it's against the rules, but I'm gonna write in President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He's got what constituents crave.

Yup, seasons 1-4, but 4 looks like a lesser addition to the original 3.

Amazon Prime (and probably regular Amazon?)

I'm fine with all of that. The thing that got me was the broken coffee pot, splorching in and out of that goon's torso. Part stabby, part suction. Shudder.

Let's see, divide by Rudolph, carry the one.. Is my math wrong or are you saying you don't like Kate McKinnon? Cuz that doesn't add up.

My middle school class took a field trip to an In-N-Out when it opened nearby, because it's In-N-Out.

No, a lecturn. From whence to rebut fluxinbox's argument.

Do yourself a favor and watch Totally Awesome, if only to see James Hong's take on Mr. Miyagi.

I was looking forward to some up close face shouting at Rey when his Force Coercion abilities weren't succeeding. I was sure he was gonna just lose it. But then he didn't. Shame.

I think I found it: Combat Missions on USA, 2003 ish. Took some digging. It's not even on Ermy's IMDB, despite running for a few seasons.

Didn't R. Lee Ermy host a show like this? Army Deltas, CIA, Swat guys all competing in War games and tactics. American gladiators with guns. I can't find it anywhere. Did I hallucinate it?

I thought he was super cute.

I had to re-watch it, I couldn't believe what I saw. Upon second viewing, it was a slap. But not just a slap. It was the most full-throated Ric Flair level slap, that might as well have been a punch. Who winds up their pitching arm for a slap? I get Alfred's anger, but tonally that whole thing was way off.