Whether on Earth or planet Harambe, I just won’t pay retail price.
Whether on Earth or planet Harambe, I just won’t pay retail price.
Top image looks like an all-girl gang from Akira. I like it. It’s like The Warriors crossed with Akira.
dude also complained about getting a poor signal on his phone. and ya thought the female gymnasts were the only ones who dealt with uneven bars
Graham’s geometrical cousin...
This cosplay really didn’t click for me. I can’t really piece together why. Maybe because most people just shit bricks when they see it.
It’s so he can
You realize noone would have been shot if neither had guns ? (Captain Obvious here, sorry)
“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”
Pretty quick reaction time for cops to get involved when the targets are billion dollar companies. Now, if only regular people could get the same treatment...
Sacramento man is no Florida man, but durned if he aint tryin!