Milkproof Robot

CSI: Westeros

"A baker was found dead in Flea Bottom, six knife wounds to the gut. What is the evidence telling us?"
"I dunno, pirates? Who gives a fuck? Let's go get some whores."



"That explains why Scarlett Johansson had a… giant Johansson!"

The point is, everybody always wishes it was some time other than the present.

Pinky and the Brain-y!

Ist das nicht ein concert tour?
Ja, das ist ein concert tour!

I don't even own a Hitler!

I'm going to try and make it.

Are we to believe this is some sort of magic penis?

The actors also extended their thanks to State Senator Clay Davis, who they've relied on and trusted at every stage of this exciting venture.

Too bad. She's so charming.

So, this "God Particle"… how soon until we can use it to create all the cool things we see on Star Trek?

I was going to correct the spelling of "American Pharoah", but on second thought, fuck that horse. He's the one whose owners need to learn to spell.

"Seriously, baby, I can expense anything I want."

That's what makes it so nasty!

What is this, genuine enthusiasm? Not around here, pal! This is Snark Country!

"I'm Dr. Zoidberg, homeowner!"

I imagine living a hermitic lifestyle is probably easier in a medieval setting, when you don't have to spend so much of your time writing manifestos and pointing shotguns at tax collectors.

Jungle Book 2: Electric Baloo