And we'll finish off with the peaches.
It's like a clip, but gun people get angry when you confuse them.
What the hell is he doing here? He doesn't belong here.
He's going to ride that awkward teenage phase straight into middle age, isn't he?
The A.V. Club
*delivers devastating People's Elbow to business rival*
While You Were Scheming
I keep telling you I'm not a bird!
What the hell are "regionals"? They never stop talking about it.
Come on, man, don't you remember the song?
♪ Meet George Jepsen
His boy, Elroy
Daughter Carly
Jane, his wife ♪
No, it's an Italian dish of pasta and beans.
"Oh, I hate Iceland. I need a hundred beers. Exactly. Exactly one hundred."
New York? Montreal? Los Angeles? I've never even heard of these dingy little podunk towns.
Nothing can possiblie go wrong.
Use a pen, Sideshow Brad.
That's crazy talk! Crazy Talk!
Just call him/her LiLeiMeeNee for short.
Good old trickle-down economics.
*gasp* That girl isn't wearing a case! You can see her bare circuits!