Milkproof Robot

Put this in your pipe and smoke it!

*drops nuclear bomb, rides it hooting and hollering all the way down*

I'm not clicking that.

Teachers have to supplement their income somehow.

♪ Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo ♪

Inis is oreat nevs lor λerox.

Baron Vaughn Richtofen?

Those are the kind that involve Gina Carano and Ronda Rousey, right?

And then things sort of snowballed from there, and thus Slipknot was born.

"You young turks think you know everything! I was axing shows when you were barely turning senile."

I don't know what that is, but… [RENEWED]

Don't forget the Krusty-brand cough syrup.

Logan's Run


The Flash
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Chocolate Microscopes?
You Know Those Guitars That Are, Like, Double Guitars, You Know?
More Rubber Stamps

We have to wait for a celebrity to tweet about it.


He was in Nightcrawler.

No, wait, that was dumb of me. I forgot X-Men movies weren't part of the MCU.

No, I think you used it perfectly cromulently.

Timothy Olyphant.