I guess short stroke n/a engines are just an endangered species. It's a shame.
I guess short stroke n/a engines are just an endangered species. It's a shame.
I'm not a porsche guy but man... it's HARD to be an anorak cognoscenti. Hats off to those guys.
Seems like now he's the one...
The rolling abortion FT86 is hardly what I'd call the "remake of a classic." Boxer engines should go in porsches and subarus so we can tell where their obnoxious sound is coming from. The FT86 looks like a tacky tiburon whereas the AE86 was a design masterpiece. So yes AE86 is the one I'd love to see remade.
Then where we disagree is the application of the bailout. If you bailout an entire farm, it means you have to bail out the pigs along with the sheep. Now that the bailout is an unfortunate reality, you can't bailout some stakeholders and not others... wait... unless... it's... IT'S A GOVERNMENT DEATH PANEL? THAT'S IT,…
A Mid engine corvette will... never... happen. The transmission would become the most expensive part of the car and completely defeat the point of a corvette as a parts-bin blue-collar supercar and destroy the parts commonality advantage they have right now.
These execs didn't have 401k s when they were starting out. They banked on those pensions and saved and invested accordingly. It's one thing for GM to buy out the pensions as a perpetuity but to just flat cut them seems underhanded to me. My employer gives us 401k matching and profit sharing, these guys are probably…
Lupin III.
I just got it in the mail last night at 10:05. Did Jalop actually get a press release or did they just gank the article and pictures?
I'd like to go on record and say I will never own or be on board with the groupthink that has made 5 door hatchwagondans happen. Obviously automotive design is dead and consumers will literally drive anything that rolls. I'll take a sedan, a wagon, or a hatch, but never all three at once.
Monday night will be it's inaugural tow to the shop to gut the destroyed IRS and put a proper live axle under it.
BRM six spokes.
I'm in the Xander camp too. While there are dumb rich people (athletes, actors, heirs), the smart poor are pretty rare. If you categorize yourself as "smart poor" and are not paying off student loans worth more then an upper middle class neighborhood home... you're probably not in the "smart poor" category.
Exactly. Don't stick out (running, screaming, yelling, hiding, crying) and head the opposite direction.
This is the first thing I thought of.
The vacuum leak on the intake is a known weak point. The head gaskets/starters on these are BEASTS.
You realize that AJ wears a necklace made out of Chuck Norris' teeth, right?
Contrast that to your average nascar interview and you have the reason their ratings are slipping. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of boyscouts shill their sponsors when in reality they want to start punching people in the face.
Don't like it, don't buy it. This is genuinely an adventure and the ingenious solutions we're coming up with as a society are going to lower the demand of oil forever. Even though I only live 8 miles from work, I bring extra clothes and have started camping out behind the building on week days. I also telecomute to…