Milk of the Big Papi

He wasn’t held hostage. He signed a contract to be the highest paid received in the league. And they made the playoffs the year before he retired and the year after he left - to the extent that this matters (I say he lost any basis of that argument when he signed the 8-year extension).

Yes, we white people have elected the most cowardly milquetoast dipshit among us to speak on our behalf. Thank you for your service, enjoy watching your wife get fucked, dickhead.

I mean, if the guy doesn’t want the team/city to wash his balls...I mean honor him, who the fuck cares? Most former players love reliving their glory and hearing the fans cheer for them. Some don’t give a shit and that is fine too. That being said, acting like the Lions wronged him, as Gabe does in this article, for

When you are trying really hard to fluff someone up, and it still doesn’t look impressive, you should stop.  

I mean, we just saw this.  You sign a 5-6 year deal in Japan and then you are a free agent. 

But yet in your limited capacity to either make the world a better place by being a decent person or make it a worse place by being an asshole, you chose the latter.

Yeah, never understood the forced apology. One, if someone is coerced into an apology then logically it could not be genuine. And two, it is kind of gross and Orwellian to attempt to force someone to say something. Just vote his ass out and move on.  If he ever actually feels bad about being an asshole then he can

That’s an interesting theory. I think it’s because of the rap music and violent video games.

I agree with you, but a writer at Jezebel is the least sympathetic victim of unreasonable outrage regarding perceived slights related to race that you could find. It’s like a Rockefeller getting charged fees for using an ATM. 

My preferred hat method is forward, but with the brim just high enough to show that I am not wearing a hat because I have a receding hairline. This pisses off my many balding friends (not because I do this, but because I tell them).

I will take an old fuck who thinks he has wisdom just because he is old 100 times over a teenage dipshit who thinks he has the whole world figured out.

To some extent you are conflating introverted and socially awkward. The “system” is rigged against the socially awkward, whether they are extraverted or introverted. I know extremely loud and outgoing people (i.e. extroverted) that have absolutely no luck with the ladies because they can’t take social cues or be

People still consider weed to be “drugs”? Hmm.

One thing this article gets wrong is that incels typically (even these dweebs aren’t a monolith) don’t hate Chads. Predictably, they are envious of Chads and reserve their irrational hate for the women who sleep with Chads, the Stacys.

There is a lot of flexibility in how those lines are drawn. And if you don’t want to be the one holding the short straw it helps to have friends. How many does she have in the Democrat Party?

There is a saying that the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with an average voter. A corollary to this is that just because you elected does mean that you are a good member of congress. Steve King also got elected. Lots of guys who are now in prison were elected to congress.

It is incredibly on-brand for Splinter to call Business Insider a “Major News Website.

It’s not really IG’s fault if you follow vapid dipshits.  IG is like pretty much anything, it is totally fine if used reasonable and responsibly. 

The guy who wants to imprison or murder his political opponents concurrently makes suggestions for the “reasonable” among them.   Huzzah!

There job is to stoke the populist revolution...just not the right-wing one that is actually happening.