Milk of the Big Papi

Who should be held in contempt? The State of Mississippi?

Clearly this is all designed to set up a Supreme Court argument/decision. Judge Reeves indignation smacks of grandstanding. He knows whats going on (this is hardly the first case of a state passing a law it knows will be struck down by a district judge, and it is hardly a strategy that one side has cornered) and

Now playing

This could have been avoided by listening to the sage advice of Luda.

I’m not going to continue to argue with you in two separate threads, but I do accept that you are not a sock puppet.

So now when you say...

I didn’t call it a gotcha article, I called your response to my comment, complete with the snippy “found your thesis” as a poor attempt at a gotcha.

Just no. Read the title of the article.  It suggests that GOT got the middle ages wrong. It is built entirely on the false premise that GOT is attempting to be a truthful representation of a period of world history, and again, there is a lot of “just your opinion dude” in that argument, but it doesn’t matter because

Yeah, and I pointed out how her conclusion is bullshit, and your counterargument was “someone else also got it wrong.”

So your big gotcha is pointing out that other people made the same dumb mistake for a different reason.

There might be a point here, but it isn’t the one that was made in the article. The thesis of the article was that it was wrong for GOT to not more closely follow the racial and gender politics of medieval times. Which is both “just like your opinion man” and also irrelevant. GOT was not about medieval times, it is

Not sure what is so special about this.  It didn’t lead to a basket.

You are correct, my comment is better directed towards the original author. 

But it isn’t written as a historical drama. He borrowed from medieval times, but it is obviously not meant to be 100% historically accurate (hence the dragons and White Walkers). So the complaint here is that magic is ok, but not pinning down the racial and gender politics exactly is problematic? It makes no sense

DC can’t legislate the name of a privately-owned football team in Maryland.

How exactly are Rodney King’s daughter and MLK related? 

Someone spent college in the library. 

Same goes for LA: Trout, Bron, and Aaron Donald/Todd Gurley

Stafford is also a good ole boy from Texas who played at UGA. Rodgers is a prissy weirdo who went to Cal.

This is a really odd line of attack. Everyone knows that one of the essential tenets of socialism is that the leaders remain/become rich. It is their fair compensation for taking care of everyone else and making their decisions for them.

The idea that the “gentrification” in DC is being done only by upwardly mobile white people could only be presented by someone who has never been there. DC is a favored location for upwardly-mobile minorities, notably black people, and where the fuck do you think they are living?