Milk of the Big Papi

Obviously if Trout had more grit Albert Pujols wouldn’t have gotten old.

Well actually the first 10 Amendments were written in tandem with the Constitution. You might want to read the 10th one.

Are you under the impression that men are not already responsible for paying child support for children they help conceive?

You are still angry 8 days after discovering that someone you know has agency and does not simply agree with you about everything unflinchingly?

I believe what OP is saying/proposing is package women’s abortion rights with the right of men to “financially abort” a child (the presumption is a child out of wedlock that was not planned). I’ve had this conversation with pro-choice women before and their responses range from intrigue to fits of rage.

Fortunately the Constitution is on my side.   

See, I think it is insane to have the same laws apply to 350 million people across thousands of miles and many different cultures and geographies. Federalism works.  

The regulation of abortion has always been left to the states.  RvW simply put a ceiling on it.  Subsequent cases have shifted that ceiling.  Overturning RvW would simply correct a wrong decision and return it to the states.  In most states, abortion would continue to be legal in largely the way it is today.

Your comment was moved to the near-bottom of the page because at first glance it looks like a criticism and not sarcasm.

Well as soon as the stick-to-sports kicked in I started watching. Went from never watching to having ESPN on 16-20 hours a day, seven days a week. I also have several ESPN+ subscriptions and loyally purchase products and services from all of their advertisers.

Actually it means controversial politics. They play the national anthem, but they also have Hispanic Heritage night. They honor the military at games, but also teachers, firefighters, and kids fighting cancer. Despite the view of many Deadspin commenters, none of these things are controversial or bothersome to the

My favorite thing about all this is the amateur financial advice being given to a multi-millionaire baseball player by people who are likely insolvent.