
At least it wasn’t smell-o-vision?

Of COURSE a Mormon would come up with this.

Surprise twist: it was 30-year-old Ivanka all along. Probably.

I’m surprised he even remembered he had a non Ivanka daughter.

David Cay Johnston low key DRAGGED Trump in the best way ever. “I mean he prolly leaked his own wife’s nudes” is a sick fucking burn. Me:

The response from the N.C. Democratic Party was beautiful.

How about a range of fragrances to “raise awareness” of the dangers of the Republican Party?

The irony that it’s a Russian cybersecurity firm.

Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.

Accompany her to a field so they can smell flowers.

I get your misreading — my point is that there are women on wall street, already, which actually *is* a reality women exist in every day, but that they’re constantly and consistently overlooked when it comes to ‘doing business,’ except in positions where our female-ness can be used as a token display of our sincere

The grey-trolls are SO mad, y’all. It’s like next-level mansplaining. lol Go die in a fire.

I will be working since my boss quit about 3 weeks ago and I inherited her work, and we are in the middle of a project and I am in the middle of all the paperwork of getting a promotion, title change, switched over to salary and a huge raise. I’m not throwing all that way for some nebulous strike. I’ve spent 5 years

Hey, learning to love an uncharismatic, imbalanced captor is a way of life in the American right wing. Who are you to judge the love stories of Trump, Ryan, McConnell, and so many more.

You mean holding a woman against her will until she sees me for the Nice Guy that I am is NOT an effective strategy for finding true love?

Well....lesson learned! From here on I’ll just focus on standing outside my beloved’s window with a boombox all day long.

Dear Universe,

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

"Save your protest energy for more important matters, like wet towels on the bed."