WHO IS Christ Brown? I don’t want to know. DO NOT TELL ME.
WHO IS Christ Brown? I don’t want to know. DO NOT TELL ME.
eww, no, hard pass. Not even watered down. Coachella is the new mall.
I have never used it. Idc that more people use it, but I don’t forsee it becoming a part of the actual Latin culture. It’s kind of like a thing that Spanish people say to non-latin people or is Americanized, and are trying to make it happen. Like my family lives on a farm in Latin America, and they would be like,…
Yes, seriously, you are talking in front of hundreds of people, and will be photographed from down low. I don’t know why anyone would wear a skirt or dress, so that they could tensely hold their legs shut for an hour or two.
Yes, but then every single suit would be tried in court — that’s when your forced arbitration clauses would kick in, if you even make it there. A carriage contract, which is what this guy signed when he purchased his ticket, will most likely take precedence. (Do I agree with this? no!) Do I see foresee a lawsuit…
There’s got to be a clause in the contracts that they can remove passengers for any reason — and this will no doubt be listed under that reason. But, the use of force, that’s another issue.
You would NEVER think that ANYONE could bully or lay a hand on MEL B EVER! Just goes to show, you never know.
Forced arbitration is a big fucking deal. Basically, (women) workers will get doubly fucked in the long-term. It’s a proven fact that companies make DOUBLE than regular people in forced arbitration.
NO ONE ELSE around me THINKS THIS! But, there are moments i’m like, HE DOES, and then I feel crazy.
Around 1/3rd of my foot is uncomfortable with being in someone’s ass — but that doesn’t stop me either.
It seems that Jason Chaffed-Ass-Lips doesn’t understand how business works and/or is acting stupid. It’s embarrassing and absurd for him to make comments about Trump’s business. JUST DON’T GIVE AN INTERVIEW if you are literally going to insult your party and your constituents. Within the next 5-years, he will be…
Can someone ask Alicia why Adam is mediocre at best?
Also, is Adam a lil bish and SO UNINTERESTING that he has NOTHING possibly semi-educated to say than to say that his co-star is wearing makeup.
Writing an op-ed would have literally no effect vs. the way he testified publicly. This is backpedaling trying to save face. Why would this have no impact? because DT already turned NYT into fake news, which would given his words even more power. They were right to shutdown this dumb idea.
Benghazi really. I will translate Hillary’s “pros” list into Russian for you.