
No matter how he fucks up and no matter what he does, another replacement for him is not on the way in the next decade.

You should stop being his friend. Because, he is dumb. And other people around you will think you are dumb too.

That should be used as an example. If we hear people saying harassing things like that man — call the police. SAY EXACTLY what he is saying, and that you are scared because he is a white male - that he might have a gun. If white people can call on “suspicious” looking black and hispanic folks for breaking into their

Remember, when ppl got mad at the undocumented guy in Illinois who Trump voters are showing tears over because he owns a mexican restaurant. And Repubs argument is on why he should be deported is bc “HE GOT 2 DUIs”.

For reference:

i dont think you do. it’s just when I hear it, it reminds me of all the b.s. and i can’t separate it, because i feel like an accomplice.

IDK, as a lesbian (also a woman) I would not be quiet and am NOT quiet about anything: “Jake, shut your mouth you little bitch.” and really wouldn’t think twice.

nope. can’t get over his b.s. from last year.


the feet are def in the crack of the sofa. IN THE CRACK WITH THE CRUMBS WITH NO SOCKS ON....

NO. both are overrated.

Trump ppl need a reason to watch. We need to appeal to a diverse audience.

idk why anyone would work for this admin. It will be nothing more than: “yeah, s/he worked for Trump admin, so.” I mean, if you want to work for gas and those companies, ok, I get it, but, if you want to do something else, this is a red mark, and a mark that other companies will not want to be associated with.

I WAS LIKE: no, that’s not how this works. shut up. if we were giving out awards because we hurt someone’s feelings, then Denzel needs one too.

That is a fact. She is the fifth trans person killed this year.

tweet should have said: I’m a lil bitch.

Perez is Latino. The future of the country will be majority Latino. Please, tell me more about status quo.

Do you know how many “straight” girls tried things with me in the girls locker room? MANY.

Yes. The bowel movements.

$500 million child care tax benefit program