
Extremely. But the two women who hosted were WAYYYYYYYYYYY BETTER.

I love you. And i love this — briefly dated (was banging)

Omg, can you say??? NOOO??

Zahi Hawass says no to this Nefertiti theory! Why would she be buried with him and not Akhenaten? There is no proof that Nefertiti was Tut’s mom.


If there is no lawless as Xena I will not watch. Write a new show. Lawless is Xena, and no one, not even Callisto came close.

I’m just so in love with Kate McKinnon!

This happens to lesbians ALL the time. It doesn’t happen as much to gay men. Wonder why.

Do you mean entire Gawker Media staff?

All the people that keep saying that this isn’t a big deal, think of this—

WTF kind of tweet was that from the Bachelor? How about she was a SMART AND beautiful WOMAN.

I will say it was a shit move to defund the crisis call centers and Samaritans of NYC — so you could start your own. Maybe instead of, idk, partnering.

Yes. I will stay home for work for this. And thank you!

There was a group *assigned by professor*, that I was a part of and they (boys) were stumped on this geopolitical issue. I explained it, females at the table understood it. A friend (boy), who I deemed smart, heard the ridiculous questions that they were asking, because THEY (boys) JUST DIDN’T GET IT. In one,

See, this is the (small) bias coverage I am talking about. If you are going to include a statement from the Sanders team, either also include the statement from Clinton’s team or embed the actual damn video.

check my elitism?? abahahahahahaha you’re crazy in the head esse. the three point strategy is rhetoric at best. that 15% of Americans do not (WANT) to USE, not DO NOT HAVE ACCESS to. lol you straight trippin up in here.

lol do you mean to tell me that there are more than the Three-point strategy that we have been hearing for 1000 years — for free college, single payer insurer, and everyone who isn’t with him is part of the establishment — that there could be more than that? me thinks not!

Thank god!

ohhh, you can look, but don’t touch.

no. let me clarify for you.