Jim D

Whataboutism is a shitty term used to deflect from the terrible things the US/West do. Sorry, but while the US is actively starving Afghanis, cracking down on asylum seekers at their southern border, and holding Defense Expos for MBS, we should be able to criticize them. None of this takes away from criticism of

I don’t think it’s hate speech. And I hate to be like well if it was a dude saying X, but like this is a clear case of many people not caring because it’s a perceived privileged class and systemically short dudes don’t face the same issues that other groups with “less desired” traits in society do.

I can make fun of dudes who rant about heightism and post insanely misogynistic things on r/short or twitter, but she’s a pro gamer. She has to be held to a higher standard than any dumbass online. And I don’t think it’s funny to reinforce gender stereotypes and body shame others.

I don’t think Sony uses Destiny as a way to prevent CoD from going exclusive. Both Destiny and CoD, make money because they’re multi-platform. CoD especially relies on people playing WZ to cave and buy the next CoD installment. I think both IPs are useful to companies to ensure they have some games that are better

I think Gamepass is a huge factor and of course the Series S cost. It’s a cheaper console and you get GPU for 3 months by paying just a dollar. XB1 makes it murkier, but having only Series S and X options makes it much simpler and more appealing to choose Series S plus Gamepass. MS wants people into the GP ecosystem

I agree things didn’t age well. But on the flip side, a lot of sitcoms don’t have the same quality and already have the clear whiteness problem today. Especially CBS shows. A lot of misogyny too. Not saying it’s okay, but I also wonder how it holds up to other shows from that time period.

I feel like the games themselves have brought gaming into the mainstream and just people getting older. Nothing really anyone who isn’t creating games did. It’s not like he’s Kevin Feige. I just have a hard time understanding his exact role in making games mainstream. But I also haven’t read up on him. He just seems

Yeah I also don’t really get the appeal of Geoff. What did he do that was so good for the industry? I responded to a tweet about him SkillUp posted saying he just seems in it for a check and he was like “Disagree. He has hustled and cared about the industry. To highlight the best it has to offer.” And it’s like sure

Should do a better job at security maybe 

This is the same blog that said straight black men are the white people of black people 

Yeah you can get a lot of hours of doing things that aren’t part of the game. I’d just make up stories and record them on my switch and edit them. It was so much fun for a short time. I spent many of my hours doing that or jailing my mice and making them sad. It’s the only time they actually react and have real

The villagers have no personality for a game in 2021. There’s no feeling that they’re unique. If you get two of the same villagers it’s very obvious, but even the different personalities types aren’t interesting.

Yes, it’s common for journos of all industries to have no idea what the common person would think or feel on a subject, but they should do a better job of it overall. I think E3 is great because as I get older I don’t want to have to keep up with gaming news in the way I would about more important news pertaining to

American Conservatives: Everyone should be free.
Also American Conservatives: I’m Fascist 

I have no issues with exclusives. I think the reality is making a console is pricey and making a multi-platform game is time consuming and costly. So I get acquiring studios to make games that make people want to purchase a console. I find that most generations of consoles don’t require you to purchase both consoles

I agree, but also people have to deal with the fact that gaming has and may always be like this to get the quality games you get from exclusives. Gaming is already an expensive hobby. Both MS and Sony’s consoles are pricey as is the 70$ price tag and money for their online services. If someone can wait they can also

Sure, but if you want to access Twitch on certain streaming platforms you can’t. I haven’t checked in a while, but Twitch wasn’t on Roku. This is the same with other streaming channels. HBO had an issue with Roku and was off the platform for a bit. So there is exclusivity at times with streaming.

However, the model

Lol exactly plus I don’t see how this is an issue for Twitch or its audience given the fact that Youtube and reddit and tik tok all have gaming content and content that is just hot people being hot. On top of this, many women were getting sexually suggestive messages and harassment for being hot before all this and a

I feel like this has a “Classic Rock” feel to the discussion where there’s a distinct genre of older rock music while you could classify a lot of 90s or 00s rock as classic rock because of the age. Obviously more distinct style differences, but then again “Classic Rock” the genre expanded to 80s rock.

I’m not sure that will happen entirely. There’s a huge gap in what is being discussed in gaming media and you have places such as Kinda Funny and Minnmax popping up. But there will also be a new crop of Youtubers that expand gaming content to beyond what many of us dislike. We have some great long form video essays