A slideshow-listicle seems inappropriate for a topic like this.
A slideshow-listicle seems inappropriate for a topic like this.
I get master/slave. It isn’t really necessary at all, and more descriptive terms are actually better in most cases.
This is interesting, because AFAIK the connotation of “black” being evil and “white” being good far predates the invention of race. So I rather doubt that “whitelist” and “blacklist” were originally intended with any sort of racial implication. (The opposite may be true: those espousing race theory may have selected…
It may work, but “Who got in trouble today” just feels like putting a Jerry Springer feel to a kids way of describing the world. I have experience in education (no brag, just where I been and what I did). This gives me the, playing to the negative/gossipy chatter for the sake of conversation, feel. I would ask “who…
NO!!! Keeps them. Hoards them. They’re...precious.
I think it was a LH article that said to store cords in old toilet paper tubes. I have a box of them. I point the connector ends out so they are easily identifiable, you know, just in case I need a mini-usb, or component video + L/R RCA cable.
This article was not as helpful as I was hoping, Elizabeth.
Any chance of a follow-up that delivers on the premise of the headline?
Say, in the next five minutes? Because I think I just heard sirens.
This was superfun reading but I almost missed it because the headline does not appeal to my interests. I think it could be Gizmodo’d for a wider audience.
Toronto is all about the neighbourhoods. The “sites” aren’t necessarily numerous (although I highly recommend both the museum and the aquarium if you need a couple indoor/family activity type stops).
Contrarian reactions to this kind of advice (which I won’t link to because anti-consent messaging is harmful bullshit) fall back on the idea that parents need to teach their children good manners, and that kids need to listen to their parents.
This post literally gave me cancer.
I don’t eat hot dogs very often, but aren’t they usually horizontal? Are you trying to stand it on its end?
...but you didn’t hear anything because the sound driver was out of date.
Photoshop is so full of powerful features that even professionals may not always be able to keep up. This video…
Eh. Depends on the situation. Sometimes the very thing that breaks the tension is someone being willing to acknowledge, "That was awkward," and then everyone can move on.
It took me a while to figure out, but you're right! The error/inconsistency is in the graphic, where the steering wheel is closer to the LHS. And here I was laughing at the comment bagging out Americans... Sorry. Hope you feel a little vindicated, Miles. :-)
OVER! Otherwise, how am I supposed to unroll the entire roll while The Human is in the shower —