Hold on, hold on. That picture could be St. Lucia, but I think it’s actually somewhere not on this list at all (like brutally expensive Bora Bora)
Hold on, hold on. That picture could be St. Lucia, but I think it’s actually somewhere not on this list at all (like brutally expensive Bora Bora)
1. Dispose of cat.
“Do I love my partner? Does he/she love me just as much?”
Greenco to Shep: “We need you to sell garlic presses as an impulse buy”.
Greenco to Shep: “We need you to sell garlic presses as an impulse buy”.
I think you’re incorrectly assuming that this will be unregulated space (some coder’s whim) and incorrectly assuming this calculus has no precedent. We administer millions of doses of medicine to healthy people every year, in the knowledge that we will make some number seriously sick. (*Not anti-vax rant, I support…
This reminds me of the quote attributed to Bismarck about law and sausages...
I’m pretty sure this column required more legwork than the Pentagon Papers.
I’m relieved to report that “wokely” still isn’t a word.
Interesting numbers, and it’s an interesting prospect to just focus on the dirtiest. But I think there are a few more buried assumptions in there. One is an inelastic demand for (full-size) trucks and their use. If you can trigger a switch to cleaner classes of vehicles, your hybridization of the dirtiest generates…
I know peeps, who makes a video trailer for a book! Thankfully, there is a silver lining! This is also a video trailer for a podcast talking about the book—which is also an audiobook!* What better way to defeat Haidt than to coddle your mind with his own material!
I’m no expert—but there are reams of resources on the net. Lots of short searchable stuff. This course is nice, if you have the time.
I read the headline and said to myself, “Please god, do not say ‘more emoji’”. Hallelujah. I no longer have to write B-A-D-G-E-R in a text message 15 times a day.
Oh, Donald, please please please sue the NY Times for the defamation that your (other) lawyer alleges. I’m sure they won’t put forward a defense of truth for you to contend with...
I’m bummed that the location-sending action doesn’t allow location-sharing for a specified period of time. Appreciate privacy concerns, but isn’t that the most obvious thing? “On my way home” triggers 1-hour location sharing?
(The left side, that is, when you’re in the bed.)
I like it, but why a video? For the YouTube kids who like cheese boards? Gimme the 57-second screen cap. I feel like if you asked for a map nowadays, you’d get a PowerPoint presentation.
Yes! My god, ‘Magic’ Eraser is not a misnomer. They are full of pixie dust and unicorn horn. They are the equivalent to a Photoshop retouch of your wall.
Yes! My god, ‘Magic’ Eraser is not a misnomer. They are full of pixie dust and unicorn horn. They are the equivalent…
Hold on! Then why isn’t everyone replicating multiple copies of themselves? Why ever beam down Scottie? Just send Kirk x 2.
Pretty awesome, actually. And as promised, it feels faster than ios11.4 (at least on an iPhone 7). No crashes across a lot of apps, all day (except one really strange moment when it offered a slow-motion ‘dissolve’ transition from the homescreen, but snapped back to life).
Headline (“get this now!”) doesn’t match content (“half sucks”).
Headline (“get this now!”) doesn’t match content (“half sucks”).