
I had expected the ending back during all of the push 17 got and the ranger artwork, but after Freeza kind of stole the spotlight and it was revealed this would be the last arc, I felt like 17 got a bit sidelined. So I’m glad they did a double bait and switch and brought him back for the finale. I was kind of hoping

To be fair, not counting minor cameos and such, Mighty hasn’t been seen since 1995, and Ray since 1993, so they really are characters people have been wanting to see make a comeback for a long time. I’m kind of surprised Nack/Fang isn’t getting in on it actually.

I want to feel sorry for him, given that the offense putting all this at risk was something protesting a policy he disagreed with. I’m not familiar enough with Twitch’s TOS to comment on anything about that, and I would say this is too harsh. Except this is the ninth time, and someone doesn’t get suspended that many

I’m glad to see Link’s Awakening so high, I usually rank Wind Waker, Majora’s Mask, Link to the Past, and Ocarina higher, but considering that it’s probably the game I’ve replayed the most times, I might need to re-evaluate that. Personally I’d put Tri-Force heroes higher, but I have no idea where. It has 3 of my

It’s so odd, I always feel like getting a bunch of public acclaim and fans and such would make people not do stuff like this. I know a racist jerk isn’t going to stop being a racist jerk because of it, but just being so loud and open about it. It just bewilders me. Though honestly I think the fact that he dragged The

I was kind of hoping this one wouldn’t do anything with the hair, kind of fully differentiating it as something separate from Super Saiyan-ness. I’m not upset about it, and the design isn’t bad, I just feel like they’re tossing out the new hair colors a bit fast and some variety would be nice.

I really find it odd that everyone is so fixated on the models. Admittedly I’m not great at telling the numbers of polygons and such, but style-wise they look nice and I actually prefer Randi’s look in this over the original sprite. Though that’s just personal taste, something about Randi’s design never sat right with

I’m only up to the haunted forest, however I would say it falls more into the “bad remake” category. Personally I like the models, though some of the animations are hit-or-miss and have less personality then the sprites did. I’ve also encountered several glitches in the pc version, though nothing totally game

Also just going to throw out that, besides Elder Dragons, basically every monster can be taken alive. I don’t like hurting them in general either so I always take that option. I do wish you could catch Elder Dragons, but they are both insanely dangerous and potentially sapient (and not very nice) so it’s

Am I missing something? So he has a tape of himself setting the record, but doesn’t want anyone to see it. So they released emulated recreations of it? He’s fine with people seeing the recreation, so it’s not something in the gameplay he doesn’t want seen. And he has documentaries and trading cards and stuff, so he’s

I’m surprised it’s such a debate, I tend to use letters for simple motions like qcf, hcb, etc. But I could see it getting confusing with more complex stuff like 6216, which I think is something I’ve seen before. It’d be f,d,db,f. So you have a bunch of combos of the same 4 letters that can blur together and be

At first I for some reason thought it said Switch, and was so happy that someone had made a way around it’s lack of a camera for stuff like this. As it is, I’d definitely like to give it a try at some point, though still haven’t gotten around to a japanese 3ds yet.

A part of me really wants to give this a shot. Of course there are tons of, mostly plush, Tails on youtube, so I’d probably try to make or commission something more original, though I doubt I’d have the time at the moment. Plus my motivation tends to dry up and random, but it still definitely sounds like a lot of fun.

I’m less concerned about “the rich” so much as... just horrible game design. Pay money to kill any player with no warning or way to prevent it, and causing them to lose progress and things which they may have in turn put real money towards. That’s the kind of insane feature you add for 24 hours on April Fools Day, but

I’m a bit torn. On one hand I worry about this hurting any artists and such. On the other... I am so sick of seeing galleries on DA/FA/Other art sites that seem to be nothing but a thumbnail or blurred out comic panels and a link to a patreon. I just find it disrespectful to artists who are posting their stuff.

So is what he’s saying that a genre can only be an outlet for “male rage” if that’s all there is? Otherwise, why does what anyone else in that genre does affect you? I mean I can kind of see what he’s going for, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes.

To be fair, as I recall the original pitch was that it was closer to a game show or Twitch Plays. Everyone would be in the audience/comments, influence what enemies and powerups appear, and then have a chance to randomly get drawn to play. It’s not just you buy it, die, and lose what you payed for. I still disliked

I kind of wish the longer haired design was canon.

I was a little worried in the closeups, since the rest of the face is realistic it might throw the proportions off. But from the more zoomed out shots it looks okay. I’ve seen anime contacts before, though I’ve never tried them and I forget if they went this far with it. I kind of hope this catches on, I feel like

I’m so glad that he’s losing the “mustache”, anytime I see it I feel like we’re watching a prequel to Pokemon Conquest. I’m still not sure if he reminds me more of Nobunaga or Hideyoshi, but it’s like the nascent form of one of their mustaches.