
It’s a pretty common pose and style for psychics in general. And since said creatures obviously have some form of telekinesis at the very least, I doubt there’s much connection besides an overall style.

My working theory right now is that the “next explosion” is a new form of life that is vastly beyond human

The thing that really gets to me is the paranoia that some of these people seem to have. Like I use a Tails username on steam and, back when I played much, BYOND. I was immediately banned from several servers and games as a “Potential furry”.

I love Jetpack cat, but I’m more interested in that cyborg monkey with a bazooka and energy tail. These are pretty much exactly the sorts of designs I’d love to see in a game like this. Also the one on the far left of the second image looks like something out of Phyrexia... which is basically the highest praise I can

I never considered that anyone could make me consider shifting my main. I mean, I won’t, but I might have to go from “Teemo every game” to “Teemo... almost every game”. I’ll have to see how she plays, but her look and personality are just perfect.

This is rather disappointing, particularly considering that I don’t even have my dock hooked up at the moment. At least there’s tabletop mode to mitigate it some. Now I’m curious how it would play with one joy-con detached.

You know, it just dawned on me; maybe steam should have a specific tag or category or something for “Made entirely of stock assets”, which can then be filtered out. That’d cleave off like 90% of these things. And they can have indepth rules for what constitutes original content and such.

I was disappointed by the lack of pixies or witches, though apparently the former was in a sourcebook that Beyond isn’t covering, and I’m not sure about the latter. I really got into Heroes of the Feywild in 4e so it’s disappointing, but not a big deal, it’s a 5e tool and such.

My problem is with Warlocks. I just tried