Miles Archer

Bingo. Coming from a background in economics, I loathe the “gentrification” argument about pushing out poor people. Like there is a roaming group of evil upper middle class white people who go around kicking poor people out of their neighborhoods.

Funny, it’s older farts like me that frequently bemoan the state of air travel because we can remember how much better it used to be before the deregulation era started. Mind you, though the actual flights are much worse than for example my trips to Hawaii on Wardair back in the 80's, it’s the demeaning “security

Given the damage on that Tesla, how it’s wedged under the firetruck, it’s a safe bet that the car did start braking at some point.

By 1971, GM had perfected the process on the Chevy Vega so that it looked like that within 12 months.

These cars were so comfortable. As a kid, falling asleep stretched out in the back seat of a 1970s Sedan DeVille while sailing down a highway...I’m not sure I’ve had a bed that heavenly to this day.

Labrador retrievers?

“Oh hello, nothing out of the ordinary here fellow neighbor.“

I’m sure he’ll be in the same prison with all those Bank of America guys who went to prison for that robosigning thing and those Wells Fargo people who sold fraudulent insurance and opened false accounts to hit their numbers.

Now playing

Indeed. All this semi needed was a 4 horsepower tug to get it moving again:

It was getting enough help for it to be working. The truck didn’t get stuck because it had NO traction. It got stuck because it needed just a TINY bit more traction than it had available. The Tesla spinning its wheels was able to provide that tiny bit of extra forward force needed to keep the truck moving. This is no

Damn, son. Proofread that mess.

The streets are no different than they were 20 years ago, and every city is different in how cars and bikes go together, but this idea that bikes should be sheltered away from cars is absurd to me. You get up on the thing, you keep your wits about you, and you ride through traffic.

Well, it’s entirely possible someone will get screwed.

The headline makes it sound like driving unaware of a sign sticking out of your car is the crime, when really it was failure to not be a drunk ass.

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

Since it’s a BMW, don’t they charge extra for clear coat as well? I think its the option box four down from the turn signal option and right before the self-destructing rod bearings option...although I hear some dealers will throw this one in for free with the floor mats.

The issue wasn’t that Daimler tore apart a competitor’s car - as stated, that’s been going on for decades. The issue here is that Daimler rented a vehicle, tore it apart, then put it back together. I’m pretty sure that’s against whatever rental agreement you get from any rental car company. What’s worse is that this

They also committed a crime by applying graffiti to a public right-of-way and dumping debris illegally.

The reason people don’t stop at all-way stops is because they are often installed in a misguided attempt to reduce speeds and aren’t needed to assign right-of-way. All-way stops are uniquely a North American thing

Not familiar with the area but that was my take too. They changed which street looked like it should be the through street. Maybe it’s the more logical route if I’m familiar with the roads, but being the skeptic that I am, I’m betting it’s an asshole that’s pissed people are driving on “his road” and he’s made it

Toronto does this all the time - it’s part of the initiative (who the heck approved it, nobody knows, except city council acting on its whims) to reduce traffic speed (because drivers are speeding in bumper to bumper traffic?). Many intersections are narrowed, and what you see in this article is exactly what the