Miles Archer
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It blew my mind seeing a DS do this on CHiPS when I was a kid.

From it’s shiny metal ass, too.

The HOA is gonna be super pissed about this.

I yelled at a friend of mine when I saw he was driving around with his high beams on. I had to show him how to switch them off—then he goes “oh, is THAT what that symbol means?” (referring to the dashboard high-beam indicator) Apparently “it had been on” for months.

NADA says high retail is ~$3300. So make it an even $4k b/c this is such a low miles specimen.

Yep, we design and make our own products and a lot of our competitors products as well. When we “lose” a sale we often lose it to our customer/competitor whom we make as well. It’s not unusual for a installation to be quoted by our standard line as well as 2 or more of our OEM customers so no matter who wins we win

I work for a fastener manufacture. We manufacture our own parts and have our heat treater within our corporate umbrella. We heat treat not only our fasteners but parts from all our competitors.

We may not win the part itself but we still often get paid to process it for the competition.

Musk is myopic in his goals.

My honest opinion is the earth makes this stuff. I bet it is some sort of by-product of something going on under the crust. I HIGHLY doubt it’s from juices of billions of years ago.

This is why more government does not = good.... the larger the racket...

Yup - a large portion of local government and “small agency” leadership is disturbingly insecure and petty when anything appears to challenge them. This goes unseen by most since everyone focuses on national politics, where there is plenty of insecurity and pettiness but it is everyday news.

Let’s see

If this truck driver is that useless at looking in his mirrors, then he really needs to have his CDL taken away. There is NO excuse for going that long without seeing this.

And no, I haven’t driven two-trailer trucks, but I have driven articulated buses, and there’s NO reason why that area should be a blind spot for

Driven by page views more than ideology.

He is hardly typical for republicans, and your descriptors describe both the far right AND far left pretty well.

This story is better than bad. It’s good!

To all the people who argue that United could remove this man for any reason at anytime, read the Contract of Carriage very carefully. It’s right here: