Miles Archer

The energy required to disinfect and clean the glass properly is why reusable bottles went away for the most part. There are still some companies that use them, not many. By smashing up the glass and remelting the resulting product is then clean and can be used in a new shape. That is the customer for the recycled

There are processes which can turn plastics into fuel/diesel oil. They are just generally more expensive to run than the resulting product is worth.

Aluminum and glass containers require far more energy and resources than blow molded plastic containers. The reason for plastic containers is to reduce energy and resource consumption. Yes aluminum and glass are worth more to recycle because of what it took to make them in the first place. Especially aluminum.

“which lead to some cars emitting up to 40 times more nitrogen oxide than legally allowed”

An insult is not an argument. Especially when you ass-u-me things based on your own biases.

Insults are not an argument.

I played MUDs. I didn’t make the transition into the graphical games although I did play around with the first graphical MUD. That was fun with the connection to a server in Sweden from Chicago. Once graphical games took hold I had a job working silly hours.

Someone who reads jalopnik and saw the link on the left.  I stopped keeping up with video games a long time ago.

Think in principle.

Ok, like I wrote, I have no clue what the game is, but I understand the applicable principle involved.

Same principles involved though. If women were treated identically to men that deception would be pointless.

I have no clue what this particular game is but guys have been making female characters for online games since the beginning of time (probably before many readers here were born and certainly before the general public even knew the internet existed) usually because of all the male players that will help anyone

“Soon this entire industry will be dead, completely replaced by wind, solar, and tidal power”

It’s almost as if people are mean and stupid over the interwebs. No better or worse than what I’ve received and I never been paid for the things I write. Just something I’ve done to contribute to websites I’ve followed over the years.

dwg is autocad 2d.  STL is a 3D model in triangles to be simple about it. Any decent 3D CAD system should be able to save in that format as a dumb solid.

You’ll likely have a long wait. All plastic additive manufacturing processes are terrible at making this sort of part. As far as I know there aren’t any that can do it. Also it’s not affordable except as a desperation move when you own the machine.

The listing says:
“This listing was ended by the seller because there was an error in the listing”

You know there’s a way to avoid this. It’s called private property rights and not having government make special deals with and partner with corporations or other cronies. But then again it’s hard to progress towards progressive goals with that private property thing in the way. So it was pushed aside so resources

Of course it is about “those bad people over there”. That’s how divide and rule works. Play to one audience or the other telling them the government is stomping on those bad people over there all the while it is growing to stomp on everyone.

The left wants a police state as much as the right does. Progressivism requires a very strong policing to manage our lives to progress us towards the desired end result. As such they use events to further a divide between the people they wish the rule. Things like innocent people being harmed and the guilty getting