Miles Archer

I didn’t argue about making laws and the rest of the crap you’re trying to hang on me has no basis in reality either. But that’s all you have because you can’t actually refute the fact that the data by default is personally identifiable.

The stereotype is that men get led astray by women because they are not strong. It’s a jab at Musk, not her.

The Fiero was “pretty shitty” because of GM bean counters and management compensation metrics. By the time they relented and what should have never happened was fixed the name was ruined.

Pretty much. With the article title was expecting something unrealistic and then turns out it’s a primitive attempt at realistic breast movement in computer animation that is so many years behind the times it might as well be 8bit computer graphics.

So guy who sells cars is a car salesman with embellished stories that are legally meaningless. So what else is new?

Without Musk TM is huck without a huckster.

“Are you telling me that an innovative disruptor CEO like Elon Musk is held to the same legal and ethical standard as any old boring ass CEO?!”

“Stop being scared just because someone on the internet told you the information boogieman was coming to get you.”

Is that the best you can do? Call people who object to being monitored “scared”, “paranoid”, and “unhinged”? Did it ever occur to you that others may have a better handle on human history than you? That others took the time to see from where all this sprouted and correctly predicted it?

The data won’t be anonymous. Somewhere it isn’t. It comes down to trusting them. The anonymous part doesn’t mean anything.

All those you listed are easily kept in the dark to one degree or another. Your automobile spying on you not so much. Just trust that it is ‘opt in’.

The only way it’s not personally identifiable is if they can be trusted. The mere fact they did it shows..... oh well.

“Surveillance creep never seems to stop!”

There’s a big difference between package shipping and what TM needs & wants. Package shipping is designed around immediate demand. At least it is now. A couple decades back it wasn’t nearly like it is now. In any case it’s designed around needing to ship stuff immediately with little/no notice. Hauling large things

I would add some. There’s a shortage of haulers Musk can control and make work on his demands.

I’ll have to agree with you here on what he did beyond the initial act. I’m not a motorcyclist, but a bicyclist and when it comes to stupid behaviors killing you it’s only that my own speed isn’t quite as fatal but everything else is just as bad. Anyhow in all the various instances of idiocy I’ve experienced very few

Predatory? Nobody made him decide that a $3400 car wasn’t good enough for him. $3400 in 1991 would go a long way in used cars. Nobody made her co-sign for a friend with bad credit. Nobody needs a Corvette. And if you have to borrow for it at subprime rates you certainly don’t need it. Sorry, these people had options

In 1991, $3,390 would have bought a decent car. If you have poor credit something that costs multiples of cash on hand is just a plain bad idea. It’s even a worse idea at 22% interest.

Since when is the car hobby objective?

I’ve gotten out of tickets and I understand the damage problem but I find the risk from traffic to be less than that of the risk from the cop.