“The police are saying this isn’t a police matter because she had finished her shift. Sure sounds like she was acting in a police capacity”
“The police are saying this isn’t a police matter because she had finished her shift. Sure sounds like she was acting in a police capacity”
Did anyone else notice these are typical excuses that would normally get a woman a pass on something coupled with cop excuses?
In the modern USA you are not allowed to be confused when cops bark orders at you. Even conflicting orders or orders that are not possible to comply with. Failure to comply with any or all of these may be met with severe violence, possibly deadly.. Those are the rules.
Superior performance that’s not going to ever be noticed by 99% or more of the buyers. If you’re a very skilled driver at the track those tiny magazine number differences matter, otherwise they don’t. They certainly won’t overcome any deficiencies in the car for day to day use.
When the camaro returned I stated it was pent up demand that would fade. It’s faded.
The wrap just looks fake. It is fake so there’s that, but also because it looks like an imitation of rust “patina” on a 1950s car. Modern cars don’t rust that way. This makes it look even more fake. As already pointed out, the bumper covers are made to look rusted. The wrap on them should have paintless yellowed…
“That was 20 years ago. Things have changed.”
“You think so? “
Well isn’t this a catch 22. He can either be treated like everyone else would be or let go (with nothing or a slap on the wrist) because he’s Elon Musk.
In other words she reacted like a modern cop is trained to. Assume infallibility, escalate to violence.
“Electricity isn’t the issue as much as an SUV called Mach 1"
Hey let’s make this thing so people don’t have to pay attention to operating a piece of equipment. Oh it doesn’t work all of the time. Just slap a warning on it. Tell them they have to pay full attention.
If anyone but Elon Musk’s electric car company did that....
“Put together an essay and ask it be filed under “Jalops speak” or some such.”
I have. On this vary site in fact in these comment sections where there is a decent audience size. At length.
It’s very simple. There’s a lane that ends and the people in the lane that doesn’t end will hold up traffic so they can signal their goodness by letting in as many from the lane that closes as possible. Thus the common ratio in my area is six vehicles in the lane that closes to every one vehicle in the lane that…
“The Mustang and the Focus, but Ford dropped the latter thanks to tariffs from the Trump administration.”
So how long does one have to sit there behind those who are letting everyone and their dead cat in front of them? An hour? Three hours? How many vehicles should go by in the other lane? 12? 50? 100? 1000? At some point a person has to say ‘fuck it’ and move over and either get let in which isn’t going to happen…
You’re not showing opposition. You are showing what I claimed. They complain about the outcome of the government regulation they support. It’s complaint after complaint but they do not oppose what causes their complaints.
“The argument is US/Canadian standards are no better or worse than European but are prejudicial against the importation of small European/Asian hatchbacks. “Good enough” is not the issue (can a car ever be TOO safe/clean/fuel efficent?) unnecessary regulations are the issue.
They aren’t prejudicial to small hatchbacks…
RWD is just fine in the snow with the right tires and some skill. The only times I’ve had issues in driving RWD cars in the snow was because of the tires. Like a set of all seasons I got which were fine the first winter when they were new but the second winter with some wear on them had practically no snow traction.