Miles Archer

I specified as such in my initial comment. I specified the useless and grossly overpaid. But people have expanded it because they don’t think there is anything wrong with say a university diversity executive making $285K/yr. For whatever reason they want to defend those positions by using a first year teacher’s salary

“Ah yes the myth that private enterprise isn’t basically Office Space.”

“How many of those 63000 are cops and firefighters?”

“Once upon a time, maybe. Not now.”

“Procurement rules have to be closely monitored”

In absence of argument, talk about the person.

They’ll be the first to go regardless. When the system implodes it will be the least connected that will be ejected first. Just the way things work.

“Yeah, good point. All teachers should just be principals instead.”

I have no idea what you are replying to. It appears to be nothing I wrote.

“It’s a world full of junk” - Fred Sanford.

Of teacher salaries... I looked into it once upon a time. If I had started in teaching when I started in engineering I would be making more as a teacher. And teachers have job security. However the pay cut to start over was pretty drastic. When teachers complain about pay they are complaining about those who are low

“ It seems schools are failing to teach people to write proper English.”

If only these dead-weight government employees I mentioned had any skills where their salaries and benefits would be justified without monopoly and political processes. Don’t worry, the breaking point will come where the tax rates are so damn high the productive people won’t bother working any longer.

“Do you have facts? Figures? Numbers? No, just vague broadsides that can’t be disproven.”

No it’s not. it’s their salary and it covers the entire state. Otherwise it would be compensation. It’s salary. Benefits and pensions are on top of that number. There’s no way to even calculate the present value of the pension because it is based on their highest earning years. Typically they’ll get a big salary boost

If they read down that far.

Nobody wants nobody nobody sent.

Again, this thread is not about fedgov.
However, I’ve offered countless leftists the money for whatever program they wanted if they ended the wars. That is they could have double what they were asking by taking from the expense the total expense of foreign policy saved. The response was always silence. Without the

Yes, government is much the same scam the world wide. US State and local governments do not have military budgets.

A few? If only. It’s countless thousands of people in Illinois. I don’t think 63,000 people is cherry picking.

If elected office holders creating unproductive high paying government jobs for their friends, relatives, donors, and more isn’t stealing, what do you call it? “wealth redistribution”?