Miles Archer

Speed limits according to the MUTCD and ITE should be set to the 85th percentile of free flowing traffic unless there is hidden hazard or some overwhelming reason not to. However in practice speed studies and what constitutes an overwhelming reason are often gamed to achieve a politically desired result.*

I applied to three or four in the same time period. 20 is a considerable expense in time and money. Application fees were $25-40 when I was applying, they must be over $100 now. Sending test scores and transcripts to each are more fees. Unless the application fees haven’t increased with everything else we’re looking

The programming is to attack at the command or perceived benefit of women. Fists or gun or lynching doesn’t much matter. Whatever is available will do in acting on the accusation of a woman. It’s shoot and ask questions later. Many women are fully aware of the power of exploiting this and by the sound of the story in

The most important thing about that internet classic lecture is that the cop agrees completely.

“or the husband for failing to analyze the situation before using a gun.”

It has absolutely ZERO to do with the state of Georgia. It has to do with the government of the country he came from. The state of Georgia has zero say in the matter of where a foreign government decides to put their consulates. It can’t make a foreign government do anything.

Foreign nations do not have offices in every US state. Some only have one for the entire USA. Which may mean going to NYC or DC even for those living in Alaska. Some don’t have any at all. This has nothing to do with the state of Georgia, race, or anything at all but rather the choices of the government that rules

Why plead guilty? When one doesn’t have proper representation or even when he does the way many court systems operate a plea deal could be the best one could hope for. Without knowing the record of the court system he was facing I can give him the benefit of the doubt here. Also if he was using a public defender odds

This sort of thing (revoking probation on a judge’s whim, provided that aspect of the article is correct) happens to many people who aren’t of high enough social class to employ the sort of representation that can stop it from happening. The sentence for the offense he apparently did do is not unusual. However the

It’s not deep enough to have been deliberately burried. I am going with ‘ran when parked’. It was parked, left there to rot. Parts being taken, time, rot, accumulated dirt, and sinkage. Reminds of the remains of a car or cars I found when I was teenager out in the undeveloped land in the neighborhood. Something 1930s

For the sake of argument lets say he was at fault for not following manufacturer instructions. Now:

Imagine if General Motors did this.

I did after I commented... which is yet another a problem clarity.

Ever notice that it is those driving vehicles where they can see clear over yours that have to keep inching further and further out to block your view?

There are two types of people who wave that the path is clear. The first is the majority, morons. Morons will get you killed. The second are the ones who want to get you killed.

Also, hand cranking could result in serious injury if something went wrong or it wasn’t done correctly. Of course with a smaller engine the likelihood of getting seriously hurt dropped. If you’re writing a book for novices it makes sense to recommend something smaller and easier to handle, but in the gawkerverse

I didn’t call anyone “fake”. It’s not “outlaw” street racing when cable TV show producers pull permits, close roads, have emergency services on site, light up the place like its an NFL game, and generally well organize it. I have no doubt that highly modified and purpose built cars are racing their way down that strip

It doesn’t look that steep in the video. I’ve found that it isn’t the steepness that matters so much but how long one has to keep going up.

And the “outlaw” part as they race on closed street (and I’m not so sure it’s not just some closed airstrip or private road) with enough equipment and lighting to be seen from space.

“Every American TV channel that’s supposed to be educational or cultural eventually turns to lowest common denominator garbage”