Miles Archer

The choice is either to stop the increase in CAFE, make the calculations even more a fantasy than they have been, or pass on penalties to customers on top of the costs of attempting to comply.

None of these options would reduce fuel usage. And even if there was the possibility of complying odds are people would just

A lot of vehicle code is boiler plate, or just simple rewordings of the same thing. I’ve seen this before.  Out of context like presented here it seems strange, but in context it will be with things like no passing zones and the like so it’s very clear it’s about surface streets with a shared middle lane.

For example:

A three lane road is when there are three lanes total. For instance, there is one lane going west, one lane going east, and a middle a shared turn lane or the middle is a lane that is used a reversible lane. That is it, for instance it goes east in the morning and west in the evening. That’s why it’s not used for

Actually if any automaker like Toyota buys them it will take a long time to untangle a software driven company’s production, design, and product development problems. That’s without the clash of Japanese corporate and engineering culture with Si Valley’s. Add that and well... good luck.

It’s even more difficult if mechanical engineering product development practices as are tossed aside in favor of those from developing software. (that’s what TM looks like to me from the outside)

Because promotional financing often beats the credit union and because if you show up with what your credit union will charge you they’ll usually match it.

One would think with all the taxes collected for the school system that there would be at least a single class on life skills to avoid such scams. Except then the schools would fail in their mission to create obedient workers.

I didn’t discuss tradeoffs. I discussed that technically no car needs a grill but all practical cars in today’s world need cooling.

The grill can be done away with and often is in mid and rear engine cars. Even when air cooled.

Technically no car needs a grill but just about all* of them, including electrics, need cooling. That cooling can come via a grill or some other method but the cooling is still required.

Lots of bucks for what government costs.

Government employees are paid very well as a rule these days. So it’s not likely the pay but the crony status.

It’s no issue so long as one eats out of the center top before the milk can circulate.

Seems fine except for being a modern VW.

I very well know how it is interpreted now and in the past. That’s how I understand the changes over time. The fact remains that rights do not flow from the state regardless of how it is interpreted or what you believe. A state may be set up with the idea that it will not violate and maybe even defend our rights (from

Oh for fucks sake. Have you bothered to study the 18th century people who were key to that revolution? What you will find is that rights come from our humanity. Does the phrase “endowed by their creator” mean anything to you?

“There isn’t a single autonomous car that wouldn’t either shut down completely, or turn into a 2.5 ton spinning top, the first time someone tries to drive it in a snow storm in autonomous mode.”

“It might end up that the wealthy and companies are the ones who can afford autonomous cars.”

People aren’t supposed to live in those places in the future.

“Except that driving a car isn’t a Constitutional right”

The goal well above Waymo is to manage all human activity to maximize the productivity and efficiency of the collective or for some just to control it. Robot cars and the elimination of personally controlled motoring are seen as tools to that end.

I believe robot cars will in the real world not achieve that goal but