Miles Archer

Your projection is so cute.

I did not state it was only liability but that is the main driver for the voluntary condition you were previously arguing caused the standards to mean nothing. They do mean something. There are numerous private standards which have no government demands behind them, copies, etc. As to government backing you have the

Most regulation is briar patch stuff. Corporations lobby to be regulated such that they gain advantage. Then when things get very lopsided as a result people like you argue for more regulation to fix the problem of the regulation you were convinced would make things better. If you think pointing out the nature of the

Why don’t you simply switch to your free market TV alternative? Oh wait, that’s the government regulated cable TV monopoly or cartel of your area. Which also has a shitton of fees.

Funny how those models only work in government regulated business sectors now isn’t it? I know you’re going to say but uber doesn’t have regulation, but it’s playing in a government regulated sector, the taxi business. It is exploiting that regulatory structure, because nobody has to pay those demand based uber

You’re not doing what you think you’re doing.

Because a plant always argues that the corporations are in partnership with the state and that manifests itself via the regulatory system. Try being rational. The illusion that they are fighting each other is necessary to preserve the con, but if you look closely you’ll find that it’s the same people moving between

Verification of fees would be a trivial matter. If they can’t report prices accurately and airlines will prevent that then how will they remain in business? What’s the point of a price website that cannot accurately display prices?

If companies can just ignore standards why do they follow them? Why do they pay bodies like UL and test labs around the world to test to them? It comes at great time and expense. The answer is that these third party standards protect them in liability lawsuits. It shows that the product meets the prevailing standards.


How do you hide a fee from the people paying them? Sure it will work once. And in the days before mass communication it might have worked once per person. But today the word travels rather fast. I suppose you could try the absurd argument that nobody would ever look at the bill but that’s highly unlikely.

I’ve not seen any unpredictable fees, but I only fly for work. Anyway such a fee system as you describe would simply be unsustainable in the long term if there were anything even remotely approaching competition.

More name calling. I’m not the one making dire predictions, so why paranoid?

Name calling, the most solid rational argument known to man.

You need to study more instead of repeating to me what your teachers told you as if I haven’t heard it before. Also try paragraphs, makes it easier to read.

Yes, and it’s their partnership with government that allows them to fuck you over.

Do you make a habit of making arguments for others in questions?

If they wanted to remain useful with what is predicted they would have to.

I did not discuss prices at all. I have no idea why you are arguing prices except for the sake of knee jerk arguing.

Fees are usually fixed and applied in some universal and predictable manner. It wouldn’t take long for a 3rd party website to figure out how much and the way they are applied.

“I was told that less regulation was going to allow the market to correct itself and flourish. I thought corporations were supposed to act in the public’s best interest.”

“Anything to fuck over the little guy and make the wealthy more wealthy.”