Unions are often designed for the benefit of union officers. This guy apparently took it a little further than generally accepted practice.
Unions are often designed for the benefit of union officers. This guy apparently took it a little further than generally accepted practice.
Foot firmly on the brake pedal as if that’s going to do anything. There may have been some directional control by allowing the wheels to rotate.
Also the video implies the bus had passed by the car which had failed to make it up the hill not heeding the warning.
Musk invented nothing as far as I know. Maybe some paypal software but nothing in the physical world. The EV1 was a project by General Motors.
I didn’t write a got-damned thing about “justification”. What I stated was that the system is working as it is designed to work. The idea of having “discretion” is to make social judgements about who gets enforced upon and who does not.
V8 Mustangs with little exception have had traction-loc or whatever Ford calls their limited slip differential standard for decades. Those little exceptions being the ones with a premium differential above and beyond that like ‘12-13 Boss 302.
Body damage plus brake dive plus lack of injury. Possibly no airbag deployment. Whatever the speed it was considerably less than 65mph. 32.5mph on the high side, work down from there.
I did not argue to the contrary. I argued they are outraged by natural consequences of how things are designed to be, how they want things to be. That outrage comes from the difference between what they want and their belief about it. In other words, it’s a form of cognitive dissonance. They want selectively enforced…
All I am doing is expressing that the system is working as it is designed to work and people want it this way.
I have long since grown tired of fighting people’s fairy tale beliefs and illusions. They maintain these things because they want to maintain them. I don’t think it’s above criticism, I just know criticism is irrelevant.
I guess that’s close enough for the purposes of this thread.
The vehicle code as a whole does not favor automobiles, really only that part wrt jaywalking. As a bicyclist I often leverage the vehicle code over motorists. As new urbanists make revisions for bicycling and walking according to their claims I am finding…
I still contend the system is working as it is designed to work. People just have silly ideas and beliefs that aren’t true. You can’t fix what isn’t broken, which is why everything from policing to medical care doesn’t get fixed. These things aren’t broken. They are working as they are designed to work. People just…
People like societies with hierarchies, selective laws, and such. They like and want it this way. It’s not dishonest or misleading any more than any of the other fairy tales of human society we are told as children. The conflict that results is when something intrudes into that fairy tale belief system is what upsets…
It would be corruption from the view of a person who sees the system of laws and their enforcement as fair, universal, even handed, etc. But it’s not corruption because it is designed to be the way it is. Another quick saying I came up with is that a lot of laws are created for those “bad” people over there. When a…
It is what it is. How is a system that functions as it is designed to function corrupt? It’s not corrupt but a lot of people have been mislead about the nature of its design. What it is supposed to do.
That’s nice. But these things are sold on the basis of getting preferential treatment and the plates are issued as a sign of being of a member of the club, a higher social status, maybe some virtue signaling, whathaveyou. If these expectations weren’t there, if they didn’t work at least a fair hunk of the time, these…
I wasn’t arguing it covered 100% of salaries, but you certainly knocked down that strawman. A billion dollars or so in revenue is nothing to sneeze at. Furthermore with proper engineering traffic cameras become money losers (because violations drop to a rate too low to pay for the system) but government chooses…
Federal reserve money printing and boomers who have 401K’s spending them on these things. It will all come crashing down eventually.
Instead they are on decals, license plate frames, and even the plates themselves for everyone to see.
Speaking of Illinois....
Are these cards any different than the license plate frames and decals that are used in Illinois? Actually they are less useful. The special license plate frames and such can mean the favored person isn’t even pulled over in the first place.
All enforcement is selective and most of what police are for is to enforce economic order and collect monies for government. The cards are only upsetting or even surprising to those who believe various laws for those purposes is some sort of moral code or for people’s own good or some such instead of simply a way to…