What would stop the team at the end of the second from taking the best player available?
What would stop the team at the end of the second from taking the best player available?
Shawn Kemp, probably.
Man, I can’t believe how totally unrelated that is. There are no parallels to be found anywhere.
“I’m very (adjective) about my father’s recent (instance of douchitude)“ - Lonzo Ball tweet
One is set to count down the time until free agency.
Different time zone settings maybe?
“I don’t care that we finished (Place) in the Atlantic Division; with (Injury-Prone, Lottery Pick Big Man), (Injury-Prone, Lottery Pick Forward), and (Injury-Prone, Lottery Pick Guard) in the fold, (Year) is our year!!!! LONG LIVE THE PROCESS!!!!”
Sometimes I wonder if Phil Jackson owes a significant part of his success to coaching Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant and Shaq.
How about no to all that.
When a friend went to Afghanistan he rented two lockers- one under a psudonym, I don’t want to know what was in that one
Wow, sounds like the Kool-aid tastes good down in Miami!
I told the guys at work that if this happens to me, make sure my tombstone says, “He Got Creamed”.
Holy shit! Someone wrote that out and said to themselves “Yes, this is absolutely the combination of words I want to put my name on today.”
If I die like this do me two favors.
1. Delete my internet browsing history
2. Lie about how I died
she died doing what she loved: whipping things into shape
So KP is the ski trip to Melo’s time share sale? I like it.
A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!
Don’t worry, Brad Pitt will just shit-talk another GM on the phone and get a middle reliever for some prospect he doesn’t know the name of and $300,000.