Not even close. Tanaka lost a no hitter and the game in a way more infuriating fashion when he got shelled for six runs in the first inning against the Astros, last month.
Not even close. Tanaka lost a no hitter and the game in a way more infuriating fashion when he got shelled for six runs in the first inning against the Astros, last month.
the “Yankees are rich” complaint is a bit washed up now, my dude. they’re not the only team with money these days. what makes them exciting currently is the fact that they’re not relying on huge salaries but instead relying on homegrown youth (for the most part).
I forget which game, but I have watched this man stand around like a goober and forget to tap his foot to first base when it was right there. It’s right there, man. You have to have your foot on the bag. What are you doing? Do you need to offer Jobu rum and cigars to make your foot touch first base?
You’re forgetting that in that 3-2 Angels loss he also came to the plate in extra innings with runners on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out and meekly popped up to short. It was some of his best contact in weeks.
He is literally the only minor league player I know and it’s only because he was an abysmal NFL QB.
You know he played college football and then QBd for the Broncos, right? Between that and the dumb abortion ad, If you think about it, that’s the only reason we know he exists.
People shit on Tebow because he’s a low-skill sanctimonious dick with shit for brains that the NFL marketed to us in some misguided anti-choice bullshit. There, now you know.
I gave up on him after 6 days, honestly.
This is exactly how I was treated for constantly pissing my pants at work instead of simply getting up and going to the bathroom.
I already love dogs. I don’t need another reason to love dogs. But when dogs tackle children, that love soars even higher.
+9.7 Wags Above Replacement
Me hate them.
She gave me her heart and I sent her a dick.
Alternative theory - you were a brief emotional vacation from her relationship. Your dick was a rude awakening.
I’ve always been confused as to why dudes send dick pics, especially to strangers on dating apps. It was brought to my attention that it’s basically the hookup version of a Nigerian Prince scam.
I swear, men are so stupid. Zero people want pictures of our dicks.