I'm not drinking any merlot

Fuck Keith Hernandez and his couch.

Nice game, PRETTY BOY!

well executed. set ‘em up and knock ‘em down.

“Football has never been safer than it is right now.”

“I’m Keith Hernandez.”

Nice game, Pretty Boy.

Pretty disgusting, mysoginistic behavior from Keith Hernandez. What a damn shame, it’s 2017, and he’s making comments like this? I thought we would be past this. This just shows you what happens when you have an industry dominated by men; you get this kind of filth on our airwaves. You know, I have one question for

Keith Hernandez? I DESPISE HIM.


Poop Gruden is such a cute little scamp.

And he’d trade it all to be 7 inches taller.

He’s a pocket size roided up version of his dad.

You may recall that Elaine Benis had a similar problem with the Yankees, when she was 86'd for wearing a Baltimore Orioles cap in George Steinbrenner’s box seats.

There was a time when freaks like this had alternate lines of work, like showing up junior high schools, ripping phone books in half and deadlifting Isuzus while talking about the REAL power which was JESUS CHRIST.

Tell him to stop filing these fake lawsuits and get back to writing the next Game of Thrones book.

Disgusting that the Bears would treat a team owner like this.

Coming up next week: “How Claude Lemieux Saved Darren McCarty’s Soul”

He mad.