He doth protest to much, methinks. OBJ’s worst enemy isn’t TMZ, it isn’t the refs, and it certainly isn’t Josh Norman. It’s OBJ.
I wonder if Alex Jones is going to deny that today’s shooting happened and call it a false flag.
I’m sure there will be much calm and pleasant discourse for the need to reexamine our gun laws.
You do know how these people respond to other people being shot, right? By voting to remove any healthcare for the mentally ill and making it easier to get guns. I’ll reserve my sympathy for their staff and the incredible Capitol Police officers who were shot (who I will add, at one time, Rand Paul wanted to vote to…
People like you are the problem.
Fact: Steve Scalice has received $18,900 in “donations” from the NRA. Next time they visit with check in hand, will he think about getting shot with an AR-15 and what was likely a large-capacity magazine, or will he buy their bullshit about how it wouldn’t have happened if he had a gun as well?
I intend to be ALL the dicks about this.
Jesus Christ, just outlaw baseball already.
You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.
Thank God we’ll get some sensible gun control policy out of this?
Which Congressman dove on top of the 2nd amendment to make sure it was safe during the shooting?
Guns for all! Health care, not so much!
Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.
One of the last times we got serious gun legislation was when someone shot at Ronald Reagan and hit Jim Brady.
It’s tough to get anyone in Washington to admit to obstruction these days.
Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!
Every single coach should be required to do every single conditioning drill alongside their players. Guarantee we see less deaths or more dead coaches.
Can the media stop pretending to be outraged when players do things like this? Who really gives a shit?