I'm not drinking any merlot

In an America where it feels like every day brings a fresh new hell, to see this kind of innocence and gratitude from a kid is fucking adorable.

These need to be 10x the current price. The amount of traffic these signs generate is massive.

For humanity’s sake, please, please, please stop using the term “nothingburger”.

To be fair, Judge does wear #99. On the New York Yankees, that’s equivalent to setting your hair on fire and painting your burnt scalp green.

Next week GM announces they’re taking back all 12 Bolts they sold, suspending all leases, crushing them, shredding the crushed ones, setting the shreds on fire, and peeing on it to put the fire out. The autonomous driving team, revealed to be a family of elite trained hamsters from Flynt, will all be laid off. GM’s

Did someone call for backup?

A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.

2 things:

It’s one thing to do your tax accounting within the law. It is a whole other thing to create a shell company in a tax haven that holds the rights to your image and the income from that image to avoid paying taxes on that income.

The tax authorities claim that Ronaldo’s scheme for evading taxes on his image rights involved the creation of a shell company called Tollin Associates, domiciled in the British Virgin Islands.

Rape-hushing? Tax evasion? Apparent unchanging good looks? I get it, it was the Commemorative Statue of Dorian Gray all along.

For the league to be about anything but the Warriors for the next few years, it would need to abolish the salary cap and the luxury tax, freeing teams to sign the players they want and can afford, without artificial limitations.

If I were Emma in this psychodrama, I would tell the person who called that they need to inform the proper authorities, not the employer.

That photo is fake. The Stanley Cup is never in Toronto.

Good for him. I wish him well. Might sound crazy but this ordeal might actually help him on the mound. I don’t know, but I just think he’s better equipped not to fall behind in the count than he did before.

Deadspin had had been the last vestige of auto-start free websites in all of the internet.

Great story.

Local driver complains that budget electric car has budget materials.

The Driver was distracted by Kinja’s Infinite Scroll and the 450 clicks it takes to read the comments

That’s why I don’t watch the local news. Nothing but endless puff pieces.