I'm not drinking any merlot

I’m very curious what this mayor’s position on snowflakes and safe spaces is.

In general? No. On the internet? Yeah, probably. But it’s likely not your fault. You probably have a life: a job, some friends, maybe a spouse... in other words, what the fuck are you doing around here?

Moblike behavior would be retaliating against someone who posted a picture to mock you online. Fucking grow a pair, Anthony. You lost, mate. Suck it up. Seeking disciplinary action over a harmless joke? Really? It’s not slanderous in any way. If anything, the soon-to-be-former mayor’s actions are completely deserving

stealing is against the law!

I know it doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but here’s a great quote by Leo Mazzone that I found today.

Hey, fuck you

The whole thing about the breath was made up? Get the fuck outta here.

No idea, why Price is so pissed off, but anyone who tells the Boston sports media to go shit in their collective hats is alright in my book.

Kelly Tripucka does not get enough love.

That may be true, but the music these kids are listening to today is objectively worse than what was on the radio while I was growing up.

Tripucka was jacked. Built like a shaved chimp.

Was this from the 1980 Porn Celebrity game?

They’d put him on Pachulia or Iguodala. Isn’t that basically what they did in the ‘80s anyway? I recall Simmons writing something like “Magic and Bird were both described as playing ‘free safety’ on defense, which was a nice way of saying they got hid on the other team’s weakest threat which left them free to hunt for

Honestly, he looks a lot more developed than a lot of players were in the pre-”everyone works out” days.

Damn straight they would.

Kerr also added: Except for the ‘96 Bulls. Those guys, especially the guys coming off the bench, would have crushed this team.

Why is ESPN doing yet another interview with this man? Fuck its easy to see why people don’t watch ESPN anymore

Price of said Big Baller Belt? $750

singing God Bless America every game because a couple buildings fell down 16 years ago, then wondering why baseball games last so long these days

I bet Chris Kluwe never got kicked out of a hockey game.