Those Avs - Red Wing games were something to watch!
Those Avs - Red Wing games were something to watch!
So the land sat there vacant and drew zero taxes in so now the City Council should invest $30 million in handouts to a pro owner so that he can build a beautiful facility...and still not pay any taxes on it?
Susan’s mom perhaps should have been more specific when she told her before she left for the night, “If you meet a guy, make sure you use protection.”
“You know what I like.”
Nice to see Bieber will also throw on a hairstyle from team Korn.
When McEnroe first heard the news that Navratilova had announced she was gay, he was heard to yell, “OF COURSE SHE’S OUT! USE YOUR FUCKING EYES, ARE YOU BLIND? HOW COULD YOU SAY SHE WASN’T OUT WHEN SHE WAS CLEARLY OUT?!?!”
I think it aligns more with cord-cutting and the NBA and NFL being nearly unwatchable at all times.
This happened to Arnold Palmer back in 1962. He was so shaken, his game never recovered.
Welcome to Mario Kart. :)
“Got into an altercation at the Nashville Margaritaville” wouldn’t crack the 100 most surprising facts about Rex and Rob Ryan.
Surprise twist. Guy in Nike shirt is Kevin Gilbride’s son.
But are you really ready for some football?
In my one year of organized baseball, when I was ten years old, I had a moment very much like this. It was the closest I ever got to a noteworthy play. Other highlights included:
I hope you are ashamed of yourself
Area Man Finds Consequences Of His Actions Are Not What He Anticipated, Confused As To How To Proceed.
I’ve got better odds of Scarlett Johansson calling me up and offering to blow me than this idiot has of becoming Bill’s friend again. you not breathe the same air other people do all day?