I'm not drinking any merlot

That doesn’t even count this season. The Penguins are a black swan thanks to three things:

You could tell it was fake because Jay-Z is laughing in the presence of Kevin Hart

This is all so weird to me. I’ve been a Pens fan since 1987 (specifically, 1987) and I honestly only recently realized how much the world deeply hates the Penguins. There’s a *huge* part of me that wants to scream, “Confirmation bias! The NHL is a crappy league and things get called badly all the time! The Pens

You should just be hoping for a game 5. At this point, not letting the Warriors run 16-0 through the playoffs would be a win for the Cavs.

So basically Jeff Van Gundy is Duckie from Pretty in Pink

I saw that as well. It was called “How to lose an NBA Championship in 10 Days” I think.

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

Kelly Rowland is a huge J.R. Smith fan and was shouting down Igoudala from the upper deck. No mention of that apparently.

LOL, there is no even vaguely credible argument for any one of them over Stephen Curry.

The only way this was unintentional is if the ball boy has never been to or watched a baseball game.

Yes, if the ball hit him that would be right. But the ball boy hit the arm of the player, it is an automatic out in that situation.

“Had the ballboy been able to sashay out of the way.” He is being a total dick about the whole thing.

“Talked his minion into changing the call.” The announcer is sooooooo pissed off about this.

The NFLPA is weak because its members are weak. They tapped out 30 years ago when players crossed the picket line after two weeks.

The MLBPA is pretty good, I guess.

There is so much money in MLB right now due to the digital properties that while the players could (and probably should) get more, the salaries (esp guarantees) continue to escalate.

I think this is at least as much a factor of an 82 game season and a small number of players on the court as it is about talent distribution.

With a goal and a fight last night, Malkin was only a rigging of a US presidential election away from the Vladimir Putin Hat Trick.

This pic looks like the greatest Coke ad EVER.