defensive players would see him in executives’ offices and wonder, “Why not me?”
“a rough-hewn defense that forged itself into a dominant unit by emphasizing accountability”
According to witnesses, Sherman threw the ball back to Wilson and yelled, “You f—-ing suck!”
When asked about team unity, Pete Carroll said, “United? That’s a lie.”
This truly is a mystery. And like any good mystery, the butler did it.
Russell Wilson’s D also really resents Russell Wilson, said myself and a dozen other people about to make the same joke.
The best is still when the Horace Mann School for the Deaf won the vote for the free Taylor Swift concert.
Or the Lakers pass on him and he goes to Philly or Phoenix.
Nothing would be greater than the Celtics AND the Lakers passing on him and him ending up in Philly.
I play real sports, not trying to be the best at exercising.
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
Unless you want money to concentrate at the top and make an aristocracy, then YES, I want the corpse to give its money back into society.
If it’s an effective way to make our tax system progressive, yes. And it is.
And the “already taxed” concept never made sense to me: everything has already been taxed. Your taxable income? It’s what’s left after you & your company both pay payroll taxes. before that? it’s whay’s left in the company till after sales tax.
Yes we should. What did the inheritors do to earn it? Why should that transfer of money from one party to another be immune to taxation.
I was bullied as a kid, and I would never work for a known con artist and sexual predator. You can still despise him, he wanted to be on the bullying side. #GOP
Fixed it.
Wow. The second I saw that interior I got the strongest urge to put on a jumpsuit and start doing lines of cocaine.
I love Shaq because he’s a big doofus, and I love Charles Barkley because he’s a big doofus and possibly the worst golfer of all time, but the two of them on TV together is not entertaining, it’s just painfully awkward.
I just ate a large pepperoni pizza with a side of cheese bread in about 45 minutes, so I feel pretty good about myself.