I'm not drinking any merlot

The jokes on Votto. That Indians fan was never thin.

Neither is 12 or 13, unfortunately.

You’ve met my brother, then?

11 guys robbing VEGAS isn’t that unheard of.

Doesn’t seem like such a raw deal to me. In Mark Davis, Las Vegas certainly got bangs for their buck.

and setting good examples for young athletes.

Are you sure he isn’t working on Napoleon Dynamite 2:Tetherball Ninja?

He tried to throw the ball back onto the field, too, but Pujols took him deep for a three-run homer.

oh pleas. He’s only famous cause he had that hit with Rob Thomas

or the decade of internet arm chair warriors thinking their opinion outrage matters and everyone must apologize for anything that offends another... F that.. Now that said this is a tragedy yes. But not everyone has to post crying emoji pics to have “likes” to feel they made a difference... People react to things

It’s almost like Bennett thought the actual apology was more important than the public appearance of an apology. That sure sounds more mature than this doofus.

“Sure, there is still a part of me that wonders why Bennett kept [the apology] private. If he is serious about being a role model, I feel like it would have been in his best interest to show his contrition to the world...”

No, it’s the decade of everyone’s a nanny.

It’s also the decade of publically shaming people for making dumb jokes, which results in their lives being destroyed and people losing their jobs solely for trying to make a joke. But hey, at least people on Twitter/Facebook/etc. now are able to pretend they’re on higher moral ground by shaming others.

So he just fucked her once and never called her back, right?

As someone who was once a horny teenager with poor decision making and issues with commitment, there were plenty of girls I hooked up with that had a different interpretation of our murky relationship status than I did. I may or may not refer to them as “a girl I was dating” when talking about them as an adult

Or maybe one time they fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked

“Michael Bennett is immature. Meanwhile, I’m using my journalism pedestal to finger wag a professional athlete.”