I'm not drinking any merlot

The real hero is the guy on deck who calmly went pick up the bat before the ump could tell the batter to pick up his fucking bat and to never fucking do that again.

Somewhere Madison Bumgarner is mounting his dirt bike and setting course for New Jersey

Yeah. Ump looked liked he was debating what he could do to him for the obscene bat flip as he was headed towards first.

I think the video stopped right before the ump let him have it. His flip just missed landing on the ump.


Somewhere Brian McCann’s head is exploding.

Call me crazy, but I kinda wish more CEOs would just give it to me straight like that.

OK Novak, first thing... you are going to need some denim shorts.

OK Novak, I know this is going to sound a little unorthodox, but step one involves a crack pipe and a little crack. Now stay with me here....

Dealing with the public always sucks. You can choose a different profession.

That’s only because it’s never been to a C&C yet.

cool story bro

I don’t get it.

Exactly. Who rebuilds an engine, drives it one mile and then decides “this is so good I need to sell it”?

Typically every car bra I have seen has worked against the paint on the car in one or two ways. The bra seems to leave a line in the paint / clear coat at the leading edge due to wind vibrations and two as cars age the sun does lighten the paint even on the most pampered car so take the bra off and you have an

Dude is dumping it on the market because he knows the list of items he didn’t mention is three times as long as the big items. Worn bushings, needs tie rods, needs shocks, needs control arms, needs u-joints, needs window regulator, needs seat motor, need broken plastic trim replaced, needs minor paint, needs

Good chance the paint is destroyed underneath it if it has been mounted for several years

This is the car your mom’s sleazy new boyfriend she met at bingo hall drives.

Hmm... Twice rebuilt, shredded tires, Autozone parts, selling it before the heads start leaking.... Not even slightly interested. And he talks too damn much.